Chapter 26 • Trojan Virus

Start from the beginning

We haul ourselves into his dad's car and we're both greeted with a loving smile. Doug has always been warmest dad amongst the four of them. My dad's the father of everyone but I'm sure as hell he won't act all mushy on anyone, not even to my brothers. That side of him only appears when I'm around. Jace's dad is more like the don't-fuck-with-me-when-I'm-not-in-the-mood kind of person and I guess that's because he's a doctor so the level of seriousness runs deep to his soul. And lastly, Austin's dad, the loudest of them all and the crankiest. But all in all, they're pranksters and annoying as hell.

"Are we going somewhere?" Bridget sarcastically asks her dad when we both notice Doug doesn't have any intentions on driving the car.

"Are you waiting for someone?" I ask, trying to neutralize Bridget's approach.

Doug points at someone using his pout and we follow it with our eyes. Walking towards the car are Jace and Austin who are talking to each other, not minding the mini audience they have as they walk with a hell lot of pageantry.

"This better be good," Bridget murmurs as Jace opens the door and Austin walks around to go to other side.

Are they really expecting me to sit in between them? I scoot to the side where Austin has just opened the door. The devil looks at Jace who's already sitting beside me and then he shoved so hard sending me tumbling to Jace's lap.

"Excuse me," Austin tries to make a straight face with what he did. He thinks it's funny?

"Are you for real?" I ask Austin and he responded with a loud bang on Doug's door.

"Hey!" Doug exclaims making the four of us jump. The realization of what Austin just did dawns on all of us and the devil grins shyly. "You know I love you like a son, boy. But be gentle with my car!"

"Sorry, Doug," Austin chuckles and before anyone of us could even react on many things, Doug floored the gas pedal and the sudden movement sent us all flying to the backrest of our seats.

My phone starts buzzing on my inside pocket and the vibration can be felt not just only by me but also by Jace who's glaring at it.

"Answer it, Harls. My leg's getting numb with the vibration," he complains.

As much as I want to, I'm afraid to do so. That could be Geoff and I can't afford any of them to see who's calling me so let it vibrate all it wants. Geoff can wait.

I can feel a sharp glare on the side of my face and when I turn to Austin, he's sporting the look he only wears when I'm around Grayson Levy.

Now, I don't know which is worse. My bestfriends seeing Geoff's name on the screen or them thinking it's freaking Grayson who's bothering me when we've only been apart for several minutes. I guess boys with the name starting with G will be the death of.

"Yeah, answer it," Austin urges—or more like ordered. His eyes are narrowing at my front pocket where the vibration continues.

The tension is growing, enough to make Doug steal glances at the three of us from his rearview mirror. Bridget happens to turn the same time my eyes land on her and as though she understands the reason why I can't answer it, she jumps to my defense. "Oh come on, idiot 1 and idiot 2. You spent days not talking to us and you guys are assuming all is fine?"

That's a good way of distracting them. I smirk at Bridget on my head and mouth a 'Thanks'.

"Your dad offered to bring us home. We can't just say no to him," Austin replies.

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