Chapter 26 • Trojan Virus

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"What the hell did you do to Allison?" Kurt grabs me by the arm and jerks me towards him. A lot of eyes are now on us, watching as what looks like a war between Prescott and Lexus unfold.

Only Kurt will soon be a Lexus. If he choose to switch sides and garnered some balls to do so.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask, and for the record, I'm not faking it. I am really clueless. As far as I remember, I didn't do anything exaggerated to Allison. I only gave her a piece of my mind.

"Allison went back to our quarters, screaming blue murder and your name as if it were a curse," he says and something struck a nerve in me sending warning signals—red flags.

"Yeah, that sounds like Allison," I calmly take his hand off my arm and smile at him sarcastically. I may look collected as ever but my mind is racing and I'm itching to grab his throat and bury my nails in it.

           "So you didn't do anything? I thought you pulled a hair on her or something," Kurt scratches his head and I give him a seriously? kind of look.

           "And that sounds like you. Gullible and all," I smile and dashes away from him before I could even act out the scenario that's running in my mind.

If you come to think of it, Kurt said he got expelled out of the Prescott team and was treated as an outcast. Awhile ago, he mentioned 'our quarter' and as a former member of Prescott, I know we don't welcome those who aren't part of our team inside the four corners of the quarter. If he's really out of the game, then what the hell is he doing here in a showgame? Waving the traitor flag loud and proud?

And as if a light bulb pops in over my head, I got it all figured out. Kurt is not an outcast, neither is he a possible ally. He is Prescott's plan, a virus the wolves are planning to plant inside our walls.

I hurriedly work my way through the crowd to get to my teammates who effortlessly fell for Kurt's acting. I admit, I did too since he was so convincing and the fact that he's related to our Principal added more spice to his agenda.

Grayson's eyes zeroed on my as I walk towards him looking all dangerous and storming through the sea of people. I have to admit, his eyes and the way he stares at me deters my composure. I am the ice princess but damn this hellspawn is melting me.

"I know that look. What's going on?" he asks as I settle myself beside him, doing everything I can to make it discreet. Prescott must not notice that I already know. I could use this as an upperhand.

"You do? Then shut up," I snap, my eyes trained at the field where the closing ceremony is about to start.

Minutes passed and I can still feel his eyes in the side of my face. Even when on my ice princess state, Grayson thaws me.

I shake my head as I try to drown every single Kurt related thought inside my head but I really just couldn't. Kurt is a master of words, a real wordsmith if you're going to ask me so there's no wonder how he made it so easy to get into my teammates' good side.

Everything he said is true and that's what made him believable even though his intentions aren't pure. Sure, he confided in us regarding about his relationship with Principal, told mighty tales about my Prescott days and spoke so high of me but it's all a part of his devious plans to be the virus inside our fortress.

Once he's in Lexus, the facade will continue and I would like him to know that we're just going with his plans. Little did he know, I'm always one step ahead of them.

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