what happens in band- peter parker (part 1)

Start from the beginning

(You especially loved the part in the show where the high brass members would set down their instruments and dance with some of the guard girls, meaning that your dot would be right next to Peter's so you'd be dancing alongside him. You loved band in general because you would get to spend lots of time with him, basically.)

The drum majors called standby once again, signaling that you could all take a water break, and once everyone was done doing so the band director ordered for everyone to bring it in at the front of the field.

"How did you guys feel about that runthrough?" he asked, looking around at all the students.


"Pretty decent."


"I think we did good."

"I just want to have a sandwich and a twenty-seven hour long nap."

"Hear, hear."

You zoned out partially during the majority of the announcements, eager to head back to the air-conditioned band room because sweat was pouring down your back and you didn't want to ruin your flag silks that way.

Peter gripped your hand in excitement and the two of you exchanged wide grins before turning back to listen to the rest of the announcements.

"...State champs are tomorrow, and it's no day to mess around. So get some sleep, make sure to drink LOTS of water. Always remember---'

"HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE!" everyone shouted in unison.

After band practice was over, you went over to Peter's place since you were going to stay there for the night so that you could head to school together, then to the competition site afterwards.


"Peter! Y/N! Time to wake up!"

You groaned and lazily threw an arm across your face to shield your eyes from the sun shining throw Peter's bedroom window, and it was only when May threatened to not give you two breakfast and simply barge in, did you attempt to get up.

Both of you were now really regretting staying up until 3 in the morning binge watching The Office.

Then when you tried to get up, you felt Peter's arms holding you back.

"Peter!" you hissed, gently whacking your best friend on the elbow. "Get up!"

"Oh, crap," he muttered under his breath, eyes widening when he realized what he was doing and quickly let go of you, running a hand through his hair and jumping up to go answer his door.

"You guys don't want to be late, do you?" May questioned. "Now you two have thirty minutes to get ready, eat, and get out the door if you want to get to school on time. Your bags are already packed, I hope?"

"Yep!" You nodded.

"Alright. Now hurry up and get ready kiddos," she urged, and left at that.

"Sorry if I...suffocated you..." Peter stuttered, trying to hide the blush creeping up his face.

"Uh...it's fine...you didn't suffocate me..."


Morning rehearsal quickly zoomed by, and before you knew it Mr. H was calling everyone to bring it in and was giving closing announcements before sending everyone off in different directions to get ready, load the props and instruments, and etc.

"Guess what day it is!" Kaia, your best friend, sang as you two went into the storage room to grab your jazz shoes.

"Show day!" you sing-songed in response, giving her an excited high-five.

"And you know what that means! You and Peter are going to get---"

"Kaia!" you whined. "Please, no."

"I think Mr. H. ships it too, because he's letting you guys sit together on the bus even though everyone says you're a couple," she smirked, nudging you in the shoulder.

"Shut up," you mumbled as you both grabbed your flag bags and loaded them onto the bus.

"Pfft. All the band kids know you guys have a thing for each other, or that you're acting like a couple already even though you aren't official."


"You guys need to get together soon!" she squealed.

"Oh, come on."

"Yes, I'm serious! If I fall asleep on the bus ride back home, I'll have Hailey take note of you two lovebirds."

You groaned and smacked a palm to your forehead in response.


One by one everyone began checking in with the chaperones to load the buses. It went by relatively quickly as well, just as everything else in the day had been going so before you knew it, you were in your seat on the bus and Peter was loading his things, sitting right down next to you shortly after.

The bus ride went by faster than you could blink and faster than Peter could sling his webs. One of the drumline guys you were pretty good friends with had a giant speaker and decided to blast song requests at full volume in the back, so the majority of the bus ride consisted of a giant karaoke session.

Everything just went by in a blur from there. Band and guard was split up for warm-ups, and you couldn't help but feel reluctant to leave Peter behind for two hours, and he found himself feeling the same thing as well (though neither one of you dared to admit this).

After your coaches called out for one more standstill runthrough of the show, it was time to join the rest of the band and head to the stadium for standby.

You sucked in a deep breath as you grabbed your equipment and placed them on props if necessary, before walking up to Peter to check on him.

"Hey," he breathed out, "you ready for this?"

"I'm scared," you let out a loud exhale, "I'm supposed to toss a 6 for my solo on rifle, and what if I drop that? Then what? The tosses aren't always consistent, and---"

"Y/N, look at me," he gripped your hands in his tightly, "you're going to do great. Don't focus on the people watching you. Focus on yourself and what you're doing, and these ten minutes will fly by."

"Yeah," you closed your eyes and nodded, "okay."

He gave you a quick, tight hug before pulling away. "Good luck."

"Good luck," you repeated, waving as he walked off to join the rest of the high brass members that would be carrying the props onto the field.

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now