Chapter 4

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AN: This chapter's weird, just saying.

Dedication: Aesthetics__ [Thank you for commenting and that lovely comment at the end x]

I woke up to the sound of Luke constantly trying to wake me up and then something hitting my back. I groaned, turning myself around to see my cracked phone right beside me.

"Mornin', princess," Luke said and I glared at him. At least he was wearing some clothes now.

"Shut up, idiot," I growled before I faced away from him and tried to return to sleep.

"You should wake up. It's six in the morning right now."

"Why the hell would I be awake right now?"

"You've got stuff to do. Michael was just here and told me to tell you to get ready. He'll be back here at eight, since he can't call you." I rolled my eyes behind my eyelids and pulled the blankets over me some more. I really didn't want to get out of bed. It was way too early to do anything, but sleep is one of the things I have to give up to have this famous life.

"I'm too warm and comfy to leave the bed," I mumbled. When Luke didn't respond I assumed he was going to leave me alone, but I was proven wrong when my blanket was yanked off of me. "Hey!"

"Sorry, princess," Luke apologized, but he obviously didn't mean it. "You're gonna have to wake up sooner or later."

I groaned before I forced myself out of the bed and decided to take a nice, hot shower.

Once I entered the bathroom and locked the door I stripped out of my clothes and then turned the shower on, waiting for the water to heat up. When it was hot enough for me I stepped under the water and sighed at the feeling.

Minutes later while I was getting some shampoo into my hair I heard a knock on the door and I answered, assuming that it was Luke, "What do you want?"

"I forgot my phone inside," he said. "I need to make a call right now. I'm going in to get it, okay?"

"No! Stay out! Wait 'til I'm finished!" But Luke ignored me, somehow picking the lock and opening the door. I turned around and saw him go over to the counter and my first instinct was the pull the curtains all the way to cover my bare body from him. "What the hell, Luke! Get out!"

"Chill, princess. I'm just getting my phone." Suddenly my eyes started stinging and I immediately shut them.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself, letting the water run over my face as I tried to get rid of the shampoo that was irritating my eyes.

"What happened?" Luke asked.

"It doesn't matter. Just leave." I drew my face away from the water and opened my eyes, only to have them sting again. "Damn it."

I reached my hand out of the shower for a towel that should've been hanging on the rack nearby, but I couldn't locate it with my hands. Then I felt the rag being brought towards me and I took it, wiping my face. When I opened my eyes I saw Luke standing in front of me with the curtains pulled to the side. My entire face flushed as I used the towel to cover my front.

"G-Go away!" I shouted, collecting water into my hands and throwing it in Luke's direction.

Whatever water had gotten on his face, Luke wiped it away with his arm before he finally turned to the door and walked out. "You're welcome for the towel, by the way," he said, finally leaving the bathroom.

"Stupid idiot," I grumbled. I put the towel back on the rack and resumed to my shower.

Once I was done showering I went to brush my teeth. Many minutes later I left the bathroom, carrying my pajamas and using one towel to wrap around my waist and another to dry my hair. Luke wasn't in the room anywhere, so I assumed he must've went to the living room. I went over to where my clothes should be and I started to pick out my outfit.

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