6||A Choice

35 17 2

Don't forget to hit that star before you leave.


A few days earlier, at the water base in San-Mateo.

A masked figure covered in dark clothing took a quiet jump from the reservoir and onto the premises. The figure made its way to the main gate, missing the eyes of the watch.

The figure shuffled in through the corridors and stopped at the edge leading to the minister's hall.

There were six heavily-armed guards on the way. It studied them for a while before tiptoeing to them.

It gripped the nearest and silent finished him off by twisting his head to the side. It moved to the next and did the same. It moved to the third, but this guard caught it just in time and they all turned to it, bringing their guns to face it.

They began firing at the figure, but it dodged their bullets. After multiple shots, they stopped, but it wasn't there anymore; it was as if it had disappeared.

The men clustered together as they stood as an amour protecting the entrance to the door. They remained vigilant as they looked around, in search of the figure.

Unexpectedly, it jumped from behind them with two guns in its hand, and they all turned to it shocked, but before they could react, it fired at them repeatedly.

It threw the guns away after looking at its front; each guard was on the floor, in pools of their blood.

The figure then turned to the door and bolted it open; the office was empty and quiet. It looked around, but then walked to the desk, and pulled out the bald man from behind his desk which he had hidden.

"Come out of your hiding," It said; still gripping the shock-grieved man by his collar, and his secretary and another man in formal attire also stood up with their hands raised.

"Good." The figure said and pushed the minister back, causing him to fall into his seat.

It reached for its mask and pulled it off, revealing Dahlia.

"Dah-Dahlia?" The secretary stuttered.

"It's you." The man in the suit commented.

She smiled. "Yes, it is I." She faced them. "Nice that you recognize me, but sadly, you'll not get to relive this," She said, as she faced her gun at them. Before they could tell what was about to happen, she had driven several bullets through them and they fell to the grounds; like cotton dolls.

She then turned to the minister who shivered in his seat.

"Ple-Please." He pleaded; his voice shaky as she faced him. She pulled the gun up and used her hand to wipe it.

"So, you do know what I am here for," She smiled as she wiped the gun.

"Please. Whatsoever you want." He pleaded, and she instantly threw her eyes at him.

"I want your life, Mr. Powell."

He gasped. "Please. Anything else but that."

She smiled as she pointed the gun at him, and placed her finger on the trigger.


She pressed the trigger as he shut his eyes tightly awaiting the bullet that would pierce through him and end his life, but he got nothing, and he opened his eyes slowly.

Dahlia was still in front of him. "I need you to do me a favor," she said, "In return for your life."

He nodded. "Anything. Everything."

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