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Don't forget to hit that star before you leave.

A piercing pain cut through her head as the universe seemed to spin around her. She tried to open her eyes, but the pain caused her to shut them almost immediately. She then attempted it again, as she fluttered her eyes open and saw that she was on a seat; a car seat. She was still in the back seat of the patrol car, but this time around, the car was in motion.

She pulled herself up, touched her face, and felt a warm liquid. Bringing her hand to her face, she saw that she had touched blood; on her face; and it was hers. She glanced at the front and caught sight of the person driving. His swamp eyes stared back at her through the mirror.

"You're finally up." His hoarse voice split through her ears and caused her to snap back to her surroundings.

She shook her hands and saw that she was still cuffed, but now she was hooked on the back seat.

She spontaneously shot her eyes at him.

What was she thinking? That she could kill one of the world's most dangerous men?

"Where are you taking me to?" She balled her hands into a fist.

He smirked as if dissatisfied with her. "Patience, Dahlia." He faced the road. "Since you got our old house blown up, I guess we'll just have to move."

Please, this could not be happening.

"Why don't you just kill me, Phoenix?" She asked with so much vigor in her, and he laughed.

"It would be too easy a punishment for you." He looked at her through the mirror, before adding, "Dahlia Sanders."

She squeezed her eyes as she forced out her pain in the form of salty tears. "What will you do to me?"

He laughed again. "Be patient, my dear, you will have all the time to figure that out."

She sighed as she accepted her fate. However, he isn't going to get rid of her that easily. Yes, now she was cursed with him, but she'll not leave unless she takes him along. If she goes down, he must also go down. He must not ever be permitted to hurt anyone else, the way he had hurt her.

Now, it was a dead dream for her to ever imagine living a life full of peace, and normality.

This had not been how she had imagined her life.

Years ago, she was a young star with wings ready to fly. She was happy. Why wouldn't she be? She was the daughter of the most loving man in the world.

And she meant it. Brooks Sanders was an angel to the world; not only to her but to everyone who ever had a chance to meet him.

He was a source of life for everyone and a source of happiness for people of his time. Everyone was pleased with him, everyone but his daughter, his only child.

Yes, she wasn't pleased with him; who he was; what he did; his legacy, but despite this, she loved him as much as he loved her, maybe even greater.

But, does betrayal count as an act of loving someone?

To her, it came as a sacrifice, but to him, it was a pure act of deceit and betrayal.

At that moment, what she had thought to be a pure feeling of sacrifice to save his life, turned into the beginning of the end of their relationship. Brooke hated her, and despised her, so much that she even began to question her sanity and decisions.

For a whole year, she was mutated into another being. She ceased to be the Dahlia Sanders who everyone loved and turned into Dahlia Sanders who everyone would take the other direction when she's spotted.

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