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You are completely 100% with no dirty thoughts or anything that is going on around you mostly. However, your dear beloved boyfriend loves you so much he's happy to find such a cute girl like you. One day you and your best friend Becky were talking at the park alone, the Tanners were at school or Jesse and Joey was at the radio studio. It was just a nice day to hang around with your girl together.

"I'm glad that we get to hang out together more often," Becky said.

"Me too. Being an artist is tough when your sketching and painting to sell it across other places around the world!" You emphasized and Becky chuckled.

"How's your relationship with Jesse going?" She asked.

"It's going great. We've been going out to places and he even bought me the BIGGEST and SOFTEST (Stuffed animal)." You beamed.

"I bet."

"It's so fluffy!" 

You and Becky laughed together before she asked, "Did you do the 'Thing' yet?" 

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You and Becky laughed together before she asked, "Did you do the 'Thing' yet?" 

"What thing?"You asked.

"You know? Your relationship with Jesse has been official for like 2 years. I'm asking if you had sex with him?" She asked.

"Uh...Hm. I never thought about that." You shrugged.

"You never have sex or do you know what sex is?" She asked.

"Uh, well...Oh, would you look at the time? Jesse said he promised to watch Woody The Woodpecker with me. Bye, Becky, it was fun hanging out with you!" You said running off the other direction leaving her stunned a little.


I arrived back from the studio with Joey and as I promise Y/N, we will be watching her favorite cartoon show together. I like the show too and I grew up watching it as a kid. I heard the front door open and there was a beautiful girlfriend entering as she happily skipped over to me hugging me around the waist as I returned it.

"Hey pretty girl, how was your day?" I asked.

"It was great. I was hanging out Becky today and I hurried back so we can watch Woody." She smiled.

"Just in time too. I got everything and even your (favorite stuff animal)." I said as she sat on the couch and I sat next to her wrapping my arm around her small frame to watch the cartoon.


I was thinking about what Becky had asked me and I wasn't sure if that meant me and Jesse should do it. I looked at Jesse he was focused on the television as I sighed.

"Jesse?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He asked listening as I looked at him innocently.

"What's sex?" I asked.

He paused for a moment and glanced down at me,"Sex? H-Honey, where did you get that from?" 


"Oh. Well, babe didn't you went to sex classes before to learn about it?" 

"No. My parents weren't so sure about me taking that course." 

"Geez, this Christmas we're going to talk to your parents about family preparation." He sighed.

"I'm sorry." I sniffled.

"Nonono. You did nothing wrong. But, if you want to know what sex is it's the feeling of love and passion. Better yet after that then comes a baby to be involved if you want to or wait until marriage for that." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Okay. When can do we start?" 

"W-wait? Now!?" He asked.

"If you want to because we've been together for 2 years and I'm willing to make love to you." 

Jesse smiled and cupped my hand in his lovingly and pecked my forehead, "You're adorable. If you want to do it then we can." He said picking me up and carried me to his bedroom when Danny popped out of his room into his room.

"I better not hear anything or complaints in the morning," Danny said.

"Yes, sir!" Jesse chuckled before unbuttoning my jeans.

I don't know if you guys want a part 2? I'm going to do it around the holiday season of Christmas.

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