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Jesse has been crushing on you since he first moved in with the Tanner family and all you have been laying eyes on was your favorite artist Michael Jackson.

"I love Michael Jackson he has the best music in history." You blabbered.

'Why does she always have to like that guy? It's always Michael Jackson this Michael that. Wait, I'm jealous aren't I? '

Jesse takes out a mirror and stares at it to be sure.

'Nah!' He retort.

"Hey _______, how about we can hang out some time?" He offered.

"Oh sorry Jesse I'm going to Michael Jackson's movie to see MoonWalker." You told him as Jesse bit his lip.

"______ you've been nuts over that prominence guy that you hardly even pay attention to us or me." He said.

"What makes you think I'm head over heals for Michael Jackson? " You asked him with your hands on your hips.

Jesse walks to your closet that revealed Michael Jackson Thriller and Bad covers everywhere.

"Here's the problem with a famous celebrity you date secretly in your own room." He said.

"Okay ,okay. Why do you even care for one thing?"

"Because I am naturally the man who potentially helps people out of prominence. "He said.

"Your jealous." You smirked.

"Ah! I have never been jealous since Michael Jackson came out." He ignore your statement.

"Aww, Jesse being jealous of the king of Pop. That's cute." You cooed as he pouts.

"Remind me to never-"

You cut him off with a kiss as he returned it. When you broke apart he was in heaven.

"Have mercy." He says as you giggle.

"Love you jealous boy." You kissed him.

"I'm going to slide that away but I love too. I've always have and I always will be." He growled playfully.

"Uncle Jesse! "You heard Stephanie call her uncle.

"Dang nabbit." He whines.

Full House Uncle Jesse ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now