I am aware my titles make no sense

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Peter jumped off the table as Bucky entered the kitchen. The man paused for a second, knowing Pete did something but he couldn't figure out exactly what. Peter shuffled his feet and walked away from the table.

"Hey dad," Peter smiled and Buck gave a tentative one back.

"Yeah, hey Pete," Bucky leaned on the table. "What are you up to?" Peter resisted the urge to look up at the ceiling.

"Just thinking, got some voices going on and on up here," Peter tapped his head and let out a nervous laugh.

"Um, yeah," Bucky waved off the weirdness of his kid as Cap entered. "Hey, babe."

"Hello, Bucky," They pecked each other and shared a small smiled. "And Peter. What are you up to?"

"He's listening to the voices in his head," Bucky answered for him. Steve blinked before nodding. Honestly, who knows what's going on his Peter's head. Said kid just smiled broadly and began shuffling away.

"Ok, now where are you going?" Steve asked.

"Well, I-I'm going to the, uh, the.... garbage can to make sure there aren't, uh, raccoons," Peter nodded, pleased with his excuse. The husbands shared another dumbfounded look before crossed their arms simultaneously. Peter sighed. He just needed to get to the god dang light switch and then run.

"Are you going to at least give a good lie?" Bucky asked and sighed.

"What do you mean? We had raccoons like two months ago, they're probably back. Maybe they have babies now and they're going to eat all of our trash. That's not healthy, the raccoons should have a balanced diet," Peter rambled on.

"Why are you so concerned about the raccoons, Peter?" Steve questioned and Peter let out a laugh.

"Why are you asking so many questions, I've done nothing illegal." Both men groaned. "Anyways, got to run!" Peter dove for the light switch and flicked it, running away. There was a slight pause before light began dancing around the room.

Steve and Bucky looked up to see a disco ball before music began blaring from a speaker. It was their wedding first dance song: It's been a Long, Long time.

"That little dude remembered our anniversary!" Steve widened his eyes. "I haven't even given you you're gift yet."

"Did you even remember?" Buck asked and Steve shrugged.

"I knew it was this week."

Ah yes adorable. Requested chapter that I am posting very late. My bad. Tons of tests and studying and I'm also sick. That's fine though because I have my Halloween costume. Thanks for the support and remember to comment and vote!

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