Don't tell me

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Tony sat on the ground in the living room, eating ramen noodles out of a cup. He tapped at the computer every few seconds in front of him on an ottoman. He turned down the music that was blaring and fell backwards onto the carpet.

"Sir, Peter is entering the Lobby- wait, false alarm," FRI pauses. Tony looks up at the irregular message from his AI.

"What? Is he not here? I thought he'd be here by now," Tony looks at his watch. It was 4:30 and Peter was coming over for dinner and to work in the lab. He pushed himself up, closing his laptop.

"I can contact him, sir," FRI offered.

"No, he'll be here soon, hopefully. If he's not here in thirty minutes call May," Tony walks into the kitchen to grab some coffee. FRI confirms and goes silent. He hears a sound and puts his cup down quietly.

"No! No! Bad!" Peter? "Wait no! Come back, I love you!" Tony dashes out of the kitchen and follows the noise to the stairs.

Can coffee cause hallucinations? Maybe Tony should look into that. Coffee does give a little boost to the system, maybe it kickstarted a part of his brain that shouldn't be quite so lively.

"Is that a dog?" Tony asks. "Wait, don't tell me. I don't want to know. Was FRI in on this?"

"Mr. Stark, it's a stray. She's been in the alley by my apartment for a few days. I fed her but she's looking worse. Can I keep her here for a few days?"

"It's a she?" Tony looks at the small puppy. "Does she have a name?"

"Well," Peter held on tightly to the dog. "I named her Dog." Tony sighed and shook his head.

"She can stay here," Stark looks up as if he's praying. "Give her a bath in Steve's bathroom." Peter thanked him before dashing up the stairs with the dog panting for no reason.

When Tony saw the dog the next day it was decked out with a spider-man collar and matching leash. Peter fed it mounds of food and water he got the night before. It was a very clumsy dog. She knocked many things over but Peter picked it up so Stark wouldn't notice.

"Are you sticking with Dog as her name?" Tony asked as Peter climbed on the walls to taunt the puppy.

"Yeah, but her full name will be Spider-Dog."

"Great," Tony grinned at the kid and the dog. "Pepper will kill you if you scuff the walls so get down."

They adopted Spider-Dog.

It's summmmerrrr my friends. This is my last week of soccer then I'm finally free until I get a job. Thank you guys for reading and remember to comment and vote!

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