Their love

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She looked deep into the blue eyes that always seemed to make her stay so calm. There had been so many times that he could have chosen someone else. Lana was his first love, but ultimately he chose her, but then there was Lois, she felt their bond and it scared her that he would leave her for Lois, but again he still chose her.
Katherine reached her hand up and touched his cheek, he looked down at her and smiled.
"What?" He asked laughing a little.
"Why did you always chose me over them? How many times you could have chosen Lana and then Lois came into our lives and I saw there was an attraction between you, how many times I felt you would go with either of them. My powers became out of control and you could have left me."
"But I didn't, I chose you not them. Lana is a good friend and now gone from us forever and so is Lex, I guess Lois was a passing infatuation but she could never be you. Kat had I not wanted you I wouldn't have been with you. I would have left with one of them."
Katherine smiled at him, she seemed to almost glow as he touched her cheek. Clark leaned down and kissed her lips ever so gently, lifting her into his arms and walking up the stairs to the bedroom. He lay her on the bed his eyes locking with hers.
"I love you." He said softly.
"I love you too." She pulled his shirt over his head tossing it to the floor. He smiled and pulled her shirt over her head tossing it next to his.
Some time later they lay next to each other and Clark kissed her head.
"What?" She asked.
"I am happy." He said to her. She looked up at him. She lifted up and touched touched his face.
"Clark I could never imagine what my life would be like if I didn't have you. You are not only my center but my entire world. And I dont know how many times I have nearly lost you."
"And how many I have lost you. I never want to lose you."
"I'm not going anywhere." She answered him. She lay back down against his chest and closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. He ran his fingers through her hair and reached over to the table next to the bed and pulled the box from it, he looked at the ring that was within the box and smiled.
"Soon, I will change your life." He whispered. He placed the box back into the table and smile. He wrapped his arms around Katherine and drifted off to sleep as well.

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