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Clark was gone when she got up the next morning. She looked around and closed her eyes, a single tear rolled down her cheek as she looked out the window.
"What's wrong beautiful." She heard from behind her. She turned around and smiled.
"Where did you run off to?"
"Picked up a few things. Speaking of picking up things what do you think of us leaving Smallville?"
"Really? "
"Yes, maybe moving someone getting a fresh start."
"Maybe, but I love Smallville. This has been my home for as long as I can remember."
"What about the bad memories? "
"We all have them. I'll think about the idea of moving. I have a few things to do today."
"Me to. Maybe we can meet up for lunch."
"Sounds good." She said giving him a kiss and heading upstairs to grab something. He smiled wickedly as he headed out the front door. Katherine walked down the stairs and made sure he was gone before grabbing her phone.
"Chloe. Have you talked to Clark today?"
"No. Not yet anyway. Actually he just walked in."
"Chole don't let him know I called. Something is off about Clark."
"No problem."
Katherine placed the phone back in her pocket and decided to make it look like she was getting some work done by pulling out her laptop and setting it on the table. She smiled sweetly when Clark walked in about an hour later.
"Still working on your work?"
"Always. Did you find what you were looking for? Chloe called said you were looking for some Kryptonian shield that you already have."
"I just forgot where I put it."
"Did you take it to the fortress?" She asked.
"Yes the fortress."

Katherine looked up from her computer again when Clark came almost running in.
"Oh thank god your safe."
"Clark? Oh tell me your the right one."
"Kat? You could tell."
"In some ways yes. Where have you been?"
"Jor-el trapped me in the fortress. He released me to destroy the last phantom."
"I thought he was you." She said grabbing onto him. "He wanted to move away from Smallville to start a new life. I thought at first maybe you had decided to move away. But it still felt wrong."
"At least your safe."
"I'm sorry. I betrayed you."
"Kat, no. You didn't."
"Clark, yes I did I thought he was you."
"Come on we have to get you out of here."
Clark took her by the hand and headed out of house. Clark's double stood in the barn and had heard it all.

Katherine sat on the couch in Oliver's apartment trying to figure out where she went wrong she looked up to see Clark come in.
"We have to go."
"What's wrong?"
"The phantom and brainiac are working together I need to get you out of here."
"Alright." She said. Clark pulled her into a hug she turned her head and saw his reflection in the glass and saw his face distort with the sun. Knowing this wasnt her Clark she made and excuse. She turned and was surprised to see Milton Fine standing there.
"Oh my god." Katherine said backing away. She backed into Clark's double, he put his arms around her protectively.
"Hey I wouldn't hurt you. I told you that."
"Your not Clark "
"You said you loved me."
"I love Clark. You tricked me. I had those visions I knew something was wrong and you made it out that it was because my powers were new. I knew better. You held onto me that first night and wouldn't let go when the visions got worse."
"And I am sorry for that I would never hurt you intentionally. Kat I love you."
"Do you even know love?"
"I have the same emotions as Kent. I can love you better than he can."
"Get away from me." Katherine backed up. She turned and Fine was gone.
"Get away from her." Clark said to his double. Katherine stepped back it wasnt the first time she had seen two of him. She just hopped it would be the last.
"Come on Kat you know I can love you better than he can.  I can give you the world and make you the center of my world."
"Clark will that kill him?" She asked
"Yes but with it here I can't protect you."
"I'll do it myself."
Katherine took the rock and walked up to the double. He looked at her he raised his hand and slowly moved it down the side of her face.
"You know you make the right choice coming to me."
"I made my choice years ago. I choose him." Katherine said shoving the rock into his hand and backing up.  Clark quickly shielded her from the explosion. He looked down into her eyes.
"Are you ok?"
"I guess so." She said holding onto him .

They stood in the bedroom later that evening rain coming down hard outside Clark looked at her, the look in her eyes told him she still felt as if she had betrayed him. Katherine didn't even wait she turned and left the room leaving him alone in the room. Clark waited and then finally headed down the stairs.  He walked into the livingroom and didnt see her he looked and saw the door open. Clark walked out onto the porch to his surprise to find Katherine standing in the rain her arms outstretched her body growling purple as she levitated her screams drown out by the rain and thunder. Clark moved to her and pulled her into his arms. She grabbed onto him and sobbed. He lifted her now soaking wet body into his arms and headed back inside. He superspeeded upstairs and grabbed a towel and wrapped her in it. He held her until she stopped crying. He pealed her wet clothes off of her and found her something dry to wear and then changed his own clothes. They fell asleep holding each other.
The next morning they woke to find Lana standing in their kitchen.
"Morning. Sorry to bother you two this morning."
"No bother what's up?" Clark asked slowly sliding out from under Katherine.
"Asking me to move would have been easier." Katherine said with a laugh. " would you like some coffee Lana I am about to make a pot.?"
"No thank you. This isnt a social visit. I know Clark you had kept your secret from me for a long time and I was surprised when you did tell me especially since you have been with Katherine but yesterday was beyond weird."
"Wait what?" Katherine said looking at Clark.
"Lana I was frozen in the fortress. I didnt come back until yesterday that wasnt me."
"That explains allot. But everything's alright now?"
"Yes. He didn't hurt you did he?"
"No, just talked about how he had made a mistake about being with Katherine and should have always been with me. Clark we've never had those feelings."
"No we haven't. I mean I had a crush on you years ago but my feelings are for Kat."
"Ok. I just wanted to see what that was all about. I am sorry to have bothered you." Lana said turning and quickly leaving. Katherine was confused and slightly hurt.
"Have you? "
"Had those feelings?  No. Kat your my world and the only one I want. I love you."
"I love you too."

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