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It was here the day of graduation. Katherine had come downstairs dressed ready for the day. Clark was out in the barn finishing up.
"Where is Clark?"Katherine asked.
"Out in the barn. I think Lois went out to see how he was doing." Martha said looking at her. Katherine adjusted her dress and headed out to the barn to find out why Clark was taking so long. She smiled and laughed a little when she heard Lois talking about Clark's future.
"Nothing is set in stone Lois." She said coming up the stairs. Lois turned and looked at her and nodded.
"That is true but when it comes to you I have a feeling that it might as well be. You two ready for today? "
"Yup. Let's do this." Katherine reached for Clark's hand and they headed out of the barn.

Katherine stood next to Martha when Clark came up to them in the yard.
"Help me tie the rest of this down son."
"I'm not going with you."
"I have to unite the stones." Clark stated. Katherine and Martha looked at him, their expressions both of fear. Johnathan moved forward telling his son he was proud of him. Clark walked away from the three of them into the barn.
Katherine helps finish loading the truck, her own fears coming to the surface.
"Will he be ok?" She asked
"Have faith he will be fine." Johnathan said to her. Katherine nodded and finished up and climbed into the truck with them. They drove to the end of the driveway and stopped as another truck stopped them. They climbed out and looked at the battered young man that stepped from the other truck.
Jason  climbed from the truck and looked at the three people now before him. Katherine stood beside Martha as Jason started to speak.
"Where is Clark?"
"Not here."
"What happened to you son?" Johnathan asked moving forward, Shelby the dog growled until Jason pulled a shot gun from his truck.
"As you can see I am having what you could call a rough day. Where is your son?"
"They told you he isnt here. We arent sure where Clark is right now."
"Really now Katherine. Normally where you are Clark isnt too far behind."
"I haven't seen Clark since we left the graduation site. I came here to help and he would meet up with us later in Metropolis. But where he is right now I have no idea. We have to evacuate Jason."
Katherine could see the crazed look in his eyes and with him being armed there wasnt much they could do.

They had all made it back up to the house. Jason was making Martha tie up Johnathan, Katherine looked around for anything to get Jason's attention something to distract him to get the gun from him. Katherine looked back to Jason as he shoved Martha into another chair, it was as if he had forgotten she was there. Katherine grabbed the bat that was kept near the door and started towards Jason.  Jason turned towards her and without a second thought pulled the trigger on the shotgun, sending Katherine flying backwards crashing through a small table.
"KATHERINE!" Martha screamed running to the young women's side. There was so much blood but Katherine was still breathing and alive. Katherine looked at her, Martha wasnt sure if she was looking at her or through her but she was awake.
"We will get you some help."
"I guess that was stupid. Huh."
"You could say that." Martha turned towards Jason. " How much damage could she have done to you with a bat? We need to get her to a hospital."
"Keep her alive. Where does he keep the stones?"
"He doesnt have any stones." Katherine said from where she lay on the floor. Martha had gotten a towel and was holding it on wound on her side. The blood was flowing but she was able to keep it from having Katherine bleeding out.
"How would you know? Your not with him all the time. How much do you know about your farm boy, Katherine? "
"I know enough about Clark. Why are you so interested in these damned stones?"
"My mother has been searching for these stones I though the Luther's would have them but I was wrong it was the farm boy. The one that has no record of ever being born. Now Mrs. Kent where does he keep them?"
"Go a head Martha tell him where they are." Johnathan said. As Martha started to tell him Johnathan broke free and tackled him from behind knocking him to the floor. A short fight ensued before Jason pointed his gun at them. The house started to rattle they all looked up as a meteor slammed into the house.

Johnathan started digging for his wife he came across Katherine first as he heard Lois' call out as she came into the house through the large opening.
"Over here. Lois." Johnathan called out to her.
"Is that Katherine? "
"Yes I am. Help me up." Katherine said without opening her eyes. " We have to find Mrs. Kent. "
"Where's Clark?"
"Wasnt here. Just help me up." Katherine reached out for Lois, her hand nearly slipped twice because it was so covered in blood. Once standing Katherine held the wall to stand while they continued to dig for Martha.

Katherine looked up as Lois entered the hospital room.
"How are you doing?"
"Could be better. At least I am alive."
"Any news on Clark?"
"No. Thanks for your help Lois."
"All of you are family. I am going to go see how Mrs. Kent is doing. I will let them know how you are."
"I have surgery yet to fix the rest of the shotgun damage. But I will live."
Lois nodded and left the room.  Katherine leaned back against the pillow and closed her eyes. Her eyes snapped open when she heard crashing outside, she slid from the bed and headed out of her room in time to see two black clad people walking through the hall. They look toward her and she backed into her room as they walked toward her.
"Where is Kal-El?"
"Who?"Katherine asked.
"I can take you to Kal-El." She heard a voice behind them say.  Katherine looked past them to see Lana standing there.
Lana just ignored her and led the people away from her.
"Be careful Lana I hope you know what your doing." Katherine sat down on the bed.
"Miss Bloodstone let's get you back into bed."
"How much in bed do you want me. I got out of bed because of the noise. Is everything alright? "
"Everything is fine. You need your rest."

Katherine had long since fallen asleep  when he entered the room. He sat down next to the bed and put her hand in his and pressed his lips to her hand.  He stood up quickly and kissed her head.
"I'll be back later." He whispered.

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