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Clark walked out of the room and made a quick call. He stepped back into the room and looked at an empty room.
"What the hell?" Clark stepped back into the hall and grabbed a nearby nurse. "Where is she?"
"What do you mean?" The nurse asked seeming puzzled until she walked into the room and noticed it was empty.
"She was just in there. I stepped out to use the phone and came back she is gone."
"I have no idea son. I will start looking now."

"Why is she here?"
"Because I want to know where she went for three weeks."
"Well I dont even think she knows."
"Well this machine should tell us."
"You should have brought someone from Sumerholt because I dont know how to use this thing."
"You better figure it out."
"Well if I have it right she about to have a memory right now. I just hope you know what your doing because with her powers I cant control it if she has effects with them."

Clark came into watchtower and came up to Chloe.
"Shes missing."
"Who's missing?"
"Kat, I left to make a call came back and she was gone."
"I wonder if Tess has something to do with this."
"What do you mean?"
"She wanted to know where Kat was those three weeks."
"She's unconscious she cant answer any questions."
"She doesn't have to be awake for Tess to run tests on her. I have someone on the inside let me give him a call."

Clark paced back and forth while Chloe tried to reach her friend.
"He's not answering his phone. Clark I will do some checking and see if I can figure out where she may have taken Kat." Chloe said to him. Clark nodded and sat down, he wasnt sure what to do with his time
"Clark sit down."
"I need to find her. She's out of control."
"I'm looking Clark. There is a facility outside of town. Go and see if she's there I will see if I can get Emile to meet you there."

Clark rushed into the building and shoved Tess away from Katherine. He tried to remove something from her head only to become linked to her.  Her memories became his as he watched the entire thing.

"How's Clark?"
"This machine has them locked, he is literally locked into her memories. But I can pull them out."
"Dont close the door just yet. We need to know why that woman said Clark would end the world. We need to know how."
"These memories are physically damaging."
"And we need to know."
"The more she is in the these memories she has her powers on overdrive and I cant control those as well."
"Just a little longer." Chloe begged.  Emile wasnt happy but allowed it to continue.

Chloe leaned down and helped Clark up off the floor as he unsteadily stood, he looked down at Katherine.
"How is she?"
"If she had memories while under the machine she wont now. I found where the brain was firing on overdrive and severed the connection."
"What did you see Clark?"
Clark just looked at her.

Clark looked at Katherine as she walked out of room of the hospital.
"What?" She asked smiling.
"Are you ok?"
"Doctor said I am fine."
"You ready to go home?"
"Yeah. By the way what's with the large amount of flowers?"
"Because I love you. Do I really need a reason?"
"No. Did you want to stop and see Chloe and Oliver?"
"Do you want to? Or do you want to just go home?"
"Sure I might have scared Chloe."
"A little. We can go stop by but then we are headed home."
Clark waited until they were outside and then lifted her into his arms and sped off to watchtower. They walked in, Chloe and Oliver both looked up as they entered. Chloe walked up and hugged Katherine.
"I'm glad your okay."
"My powers just caused me a minor issue. But the doctors didnt find anything so here I am. Sorry to worry everyone."
"Its fine. We are just happy your alright." Oliver said to her.

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