Same powers new issue

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Emile came into watchtower in a rush. Clark looked at him rather confused.
"What is it?"
"I don't think Chloe knew what was in that syringe."
"What do you mean?" Katherine asked, a wave of dizziness hit her as she stood.
"We had been working on something to help you on those times when your powers were completely out of control but we hadn't gotten anything safe. This was the not safe batch."
"Excuse me?"
"We had one that we had to test but we were waiting until we talked to you before testing it. She never gave us a chance. I think she thought she grabbed a sedative we had around instead she grabbed this."
"Ok well now that we sort of know what it is. What exactly is it going to do to her?" Oliver asked, masking his panic abet not very well.
"So far what you have seen should be it I hope. The last bad one we made we tested drove the test subjects crazy."
"Oh fantastic." Katherine said looking at him. Clark could feel fear and anger rolling off Katherine and with the stuff she was given Clark couldn't tell which way her powers were going to go. They all looked as the large stained glass window exploded sending glass shards everywhere. Clark was surprised by the reaction but what was more surprising was when Katherine tossed him across the room.
"Ok that is new." Clark said getting up on his knees.
"Uh Clark."
"What Emile?"
"Your bleeding."
"What?" He looked and raised his hand, blood was running down his arm. "The last time that happened I was around kryptonite. Emile tell me you and Chloe weren't mixing it with kryptonite?"
"I dont know what she did this last time. And at the moment it's not like I can ask. If I can get back to my lab I can see what could be in her blood."
"Go I'll get her attention." Clark said standing. "Kat. Look at me."
Katherine turned and looked at him, her once vibrate colored eyes were now bright red.
"Oh God." Oliver said. Clark turned his head to see Oliver standing there with his bow.
"Don't you dare kill her."
"Wouldn't think of it." Oliver answered. Oliver raised his bow and pulled an arrow from the quiver. "Forgive me." He whispered pulling the bow back and releasing it. Katherine turned and caught the arrow. Both Oliver and Clark were stunned by this but Oliver always had a second bow at the ready and pulled the trigger on the crossbow the tranquilizer arrow hitting her in the chest. She turned and looked at him, before she fell to the floor unconscious she threw the arrow at Clark. Clark was able to catch it and her.
"Well ok. We arent going to be able to let her stay awake until Emile can figure out what the hell that just was."
"She's lost control before but this is new."
"You going to be ok?"
"Yeah most of the kryptonite is gone I am guessing it will slowly work it's way out of her system. But until we figure out what happened I just dont know what to do."
"We can't keep her constantly sedated it will cause problems. Anything you might have that will restrain her?"
"Oliver she caused damage yelling. We would have to bind and gag her and she will be pissed once shes free."
"Not if we make her understand it's either that or we find a way to have Emile put her in a medically induced coma."
"Oh that would be even better. Let's just restrain her for now." Clark suggested, even that idea wasnt one he was happy with.
Katherine opened her eyes and tried to move only to find she was tied down.
"Kat." Clark moved to her side. He smiled when he saw that her eyes were their vibrant violet.
"Why am I tied down?"
"Because Katherine you went a slight bit crazy."
Oliver hit a button on one of the monitors and it played back what had happened.
"Uh oh my god." Katherine said looking at the video.
"Clark I've never made you bleed before."
"First time for anything. You've tossed me across rooms before out windows and thru barn doors but you've never launched an entire window at three people."
"I don't know what happened."
"Neither do we. That is the problem. We would untie you but we arent sure how long you will still be in control."
"I understand." Katherine said, she lay her head back tears slowly rolling down her face.
"Hey we will figure this out." Clark said to her wiping the tears from her face.
"I could have killed you."
"No Kat you couldn't. Somewhere in there you were still in there."
Clark turned to see Emile walk in.
"I figured out what was given. And I can reverse it but there is just one thing I would need."
"And what's that? "
"Your blood."
"Mine? Again?"
"Yup. We still have that liquid kryptonite if you think it would be easier."
"Clark?" Katherine seemed confused.
"Oliver this is going to be bad. Help Emile but I suggest something first."
"What's that?"
"This, know I love you." Clark said tapping Katherine's head knocking her out.
"She would hear me scream in pain and she would loose control."
"Good point ok let's get this blood. Then what I need to do I can do here."
Oliver stood off to the side but close enough if needed Emile put the neee in Clark's arm and his painfilled screams echoed in the room.
"Did he have the same reaction the last time?"
"Yeah. Passed out then too." Emile said pulling the needle out and checking Clark's pulse. "He'll be fine I had to add the vial to the blood and then inject Katherine with it."
"I hope it works because she would kill allot of people out of control."
"It will. I have no doubt in that." Emile injected it into Katherine's arm, he now just had to wait for her to wake up. Clark came to right before Katherine. He stumbled down the stairs holding his now sore arm. He looked at Katherine who started to stir. He removed the bindings and sat her up.
"Well I am thinking clearer. Now how about you help me stand to be sure this worked." Katherine asked Clark. Clark took her arm and helped her stand.
"Thank god I love that the world has stopped spinning. What did you do?"
"Basically I figured that your blood is mix of your own, Clark's and someone else's which is how you got your powers and when Chloe injected you with what she did she off set Clark's blood for the other."
"My blood should have just became my own over time."
"The other two DNA strands combined with yours. Basically making you an entirely different person. The injection brought out one of the personalities."
"Oh fantastic. So the phantom that is part of my DNA made me crazy?"
"I'll explain later. But shes ok now right?"
"Yes. She's fine. The most unique person I've seen. I've never seen anyone with three seperate DNA markers in their body. Everyone has markers that make up their individual DNA but nothing like this."
"What can I say I am unique." Katherine said. Clark pulled her close and smiled.
"Yes you are." He said kissing her.
"Ok you two."
"Sorry." Katherine said blushing.

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