Finding and saving

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Katherine stood in the barn, the entire barn was totally destroyed. She didnt even know where to start.  She jumped slightly when Clark came speeding into the barn.
"I checked three time zones there is no sign of the creature or Chloe."
Katherine turned and looked at Lana as she entered the barn.
"I can go to the ISIS Foundation and go through Chloe's files you know she has all the information on all things like this."
"Lana I can do this."
"Clark she needs us all." Lana said looking at him. " I have been gone long enough let me do this."
Katherine watched the exchange and then looked at Clark.
"She has a point let her help. You can't do it alone and I can do what I can here with you."
Lana left leaving Katherine and Clark alone in the barn. Clark looked up into the loft as someone randomly appeared there. He superspeeded up to the loft. The person turned and slammed a large axe into Clark's side. Then shoving him off the side and down to the base of the steps. Katherine came running to his side as this man came down and was about to bring the axe down on Clark when it was pulled from his hand. Katherine turned to see a young man standing in the room, she turned her head when she sensed a second person a young woman and then a young man sent an electrical current into the man that attacked Clark.
"What the hell was that?  And who the hell are you?" Katherine asked helping Clark up. The young woman handed Clark something for the bleeding.
"Kal-El it's both an honor and a privilege to meet you."
"Well they know who you are." Katherine said looking at their visitors.
"How do you know that name?"
"We are the legion. We are from the 31st century."
"Who was that?"
"He's called the persuader. He is part of the human supremacist movement."
"Why would a 31st century terrorist want with me?"
"They are an group of xenophobes that hate aliens and they are going to hate you."
"What do you know about aliens?"
"Clark, I dont think they are human."
"Your right Katherine. It is good to meet you as well. Someone that spends as long as you do with Kal-El makes a big sacrifice for him."
"Thanks." Katherine wasnt sure how to take the idea of the sacrifice portion of the conversation.

Katherine followed them all into the house, Clark went and changed throwing his blood soaked shirt in the trash. It looked as if this was one of those moments that his powers were something that was going to keep him seperate from her.
"He loves you."
"I know."
"You doubt yourself. Especially with the return of Lana."
"I've never doubted myself with Lana."
"But the change in her has his attention and you feel it has affection?"
"NO!" Katherine's eyes glowed bright purple as did her entire body as she looked at the young woman.
"Imra what did you say to her. You've read about Katherine her powers are off the charts only off set by those of Kal-El."
"I overstepped."
"That's an understatement. Katherine please calm down. We have read about you. But not as someone who takes a second to Lana Lang but who is Kal-El's equal. He chose you not her. Imra needs to learn to point that all out if shes going to say anything."
Clark himself placed his hand on Katherine's arm. He turned her to face him, his hands cupped her face.
"Calm down. I have enough to worry about without wondering if you will end up blowing up the house. "
"But she."
"She might know some of the future but not us. You are my life not Lana.  Lana is nothing more than our friend.  Alright?"
"Yeah." Katherine started to calm down.
"Imra you might not want to do that again. If you've read up on your history on us. You know how she got her powers and part of it is my blood the other is from a phantom that ended up taking some of my DNA. That phantom makes it that there are times she doesn't have control of her anger."
"Point taken." 
Katherine walked away from them, she decided to try and calm down before she did end up blowing up the house.

Safe ( Smallville Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora