Two sides of the same coin

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Katherine was happy to know she didnt get to see the phantom that looked like Clark.  Good thing because of her visions had gotten bad over the last few months and now Clark's cousin was there. And she could tell that her boyfriend's cousin didn't trust her or like her. But Katherine didnt care, she wasn't there to make people like Kara happy she loved Clark and her feelings for him were her only concern.
"Kara. Are you hungry? I can make you something."
"Where is Kal-El?"
"Clark is in the barn doing chores if I recall."
"Do you not like me?"
"I like you just fine Kara. I have been very busy." Katherine answered getting back to what she was doing.

It had been two weeks since she had seen Clark and he came into the house and Katherine was never more excited to see him.
"Clark. Oh my god your back I was starting to worry."
"I'm sorry I was looking for Kara."
"Did you find her?"
"I think shes gone."
"I'm sorry Clark. She'll come back on her own. But I've missed you."
"I've missed you too." He said pulling her into his arms. Katherine kissed him deeply, he held her and lifted her into his arms and superspeeded upstairs with her. Katherine looked into his baby blue eyes and reached up and touched his face a vision passed before her eyes that made her pull away from him. Clark tipped his head and looked at her.
"Are you alright? "
"I'm fine." She whispered sliding off the bed. He walked up and put his arms around her and started kissing her neck the vision started again, but he held her tightly so she couldn't pull away from him. He looked in the mirror as he saw the pain in her eyes as the vision continued.  He finally watched as the light left her eyes and she passed out. He was still holding her up finally he lifted her into his arms and lay her on the bed. He pulled her clothes off and his own and lay next to her in the bed.  She woke an hour or so later and she felt his arms around her. Katherine rolled onto her side and looked at Clark.
"Sorry." She whispered kissing him.
"It's okay. You having visions again? "
"Yeah must have had one when you touched me. I barely remember it."
"Its ok. As long as your alright." He said to her.
"I am. I am slowly getting a better handle on these things. And now that I know it's a combination of your blood and the last phantom that gave me my lovely gifts I think the two I have are all I have."
"Are you sure?"
"Without tests yes. And I would rather not have any tests. After what happened you know I don't want anyone else near me."
"I know. I would worry about you and still do."
"I know. I'm glad you do but am sorry you have to."
"Your my love I don't know why your sorry. I would worry about your wellbeing because I love you."
"I love you too. I really have missed you.  I hate when you disappear like that."
"I know. Come here." He held his arms open and she cuddled up against him and sighed and closed her eyes. An evil smile crossed his face as he felt her relax and fall asleep.

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