Starting a new job

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Katherine walked into the Daily Planet with Clark. He was dressed in a suit and tie and she was wearing a nice dress shit. She saw Lois sitting at one of the desks. Lois looked up as they entered the room.
"Hey you two."
"Hey." Katherine said to her. Lois seemed confused as to why Katherine would be there.
'What's going on?"
"Oh I was hired on as a copy girl. Just working on ads and obituaries. Clark thought it would be a good idea to give me something to do."
"Not a bad idea."
"Yeah, I just don't think the new CEO likes me though if Clark hadn't put in a good word I think she wouldn't have hired me."
"Oh Tess? Yeah shes usually not around much. She tends to ignore the paper."
"Yeah well she's not very friendly."
"You'll get used to it."
Clark led her to the desk she was supposed to sit at.
"If you need me just come over I will be right over there. Try not to become to frustrated."
"I'll be fine."

Katherine worked on the computer checking over the the ads and was given a couple of obituaries to add to the paper. She had been there for a couple hours when she noticed that both Clark and Lois were gone. Shaking her head she went back to her work. Stretching she decided she needed to get up and move so she logged out of her computer grabbed her purse and headed outside. She looked around and thought maybe she would go talk to Chloe when she ran into someone.
"Oh, I'm sorry." She said looking up.
"Its my fault I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."
"Its fine I haven't been in the city in a while so I tend to forget that there are more people than there are where I live." She answered, she looked at him his accent told her he wasnt from Metropolis but she wasnt sure from where.
"I'm Katherine."
"I'm Zod,"
"Really? That is a very interesting name. I should be going I need to meet my boyfriend for lunch." She lied.
"Have a good day." He said watching her leave.
"Clark, I need you." She whispered as she hurried down the street and up an alleyway. She heard a noise and turned around.
"Ok I swear I am getting you a bell." She said looking at him. Clark looked at her concern written on his face.
"What's wrong?"
"Well I just met Zod."
"What? He approached you?"
"Yeah, well kind of I ran into him outside the Planet. I was going for a walk. I didnt think I would have to worry about meeting him. He has no powers right?"
"That's right he's as normal as many humans. Currently besides being a military officer he shouldn't bother you. Just make sure that if you see him again you just walk back into the building."
"Clark I have my own powers I just would rather not to use them here."
"Just be careful alright?"
"Ok." She answered hugging him. He took her by the hand and headed back towards the building. She just figured to let him lead the way. She had gotten the air and stretching she wanted. 
Katherine went back to work. She saw that Clark was worried and wanted to see what was going on. Tess came down to see things, Katherine didn't like her, something about her just didnt sit well with her. Katherine still needed to talk to Clark about her recent nightmares. They were odd as if they were memories instead of a dream. She shook her head and just went back to work.
Tess stood off to the side watching Katherine, she had read about her in Lex's files, she knew she had powers and was very powerful but she was missing for three weeks after her, Lois and Katherine had gotten into a gigantic fight while in the bullpen. Lois had remained but for some odd reason Katherine had disappeared and she wanted to know why and where she had gone for three weeks.
Katherine stood and headed towards the copy machine when another vision hit her which caused two computers to explode. Clark looked up and walked over to her taking her from the room, while Tess watched on.
"Are you ok?"
"You sure because you have never done that here. You just destroyed two computers."
"I have no idea what happened."
"Come on I am taking you over by Chloe maybe you can calm down there."
"Oh good more monitors."
"It will be fine I talked to her already."
"Alright we will go." Katherine said.

They both walked into watchtower a short time later. Chloe looked up as they entered.
"Hi." Katherine said, her voice low. Chloe walked up to her and gave her a light hug.
"You ok?"
"I have no idea. I blew out two monitors at the Planet."
"On purpose? "
"No. That was the issue. I had a weird feeling and then monitors exploded. Clark moved me to another room."
"What were you doing? "
"Going into the copy room to make a copy of some papers that needed to go upstairs. Didnt even get that far."
"Clark I will call Emile and have him come over and take a look."
"Oh boy."
"It will be fine." Chloe assured her. Katherine was still a little annoyed with the doctor after he snuck up on her.  Katherine sat down and another vision hit her hard. She grabbed her head and two monitors and the large window exploded.
"Holy hell. Clark help her."
"Do what the last time it was this bad she toss me across the yard at the farm."
"I dont think she will be happy if Emile has to sedate her." Chloe said. Katherine screamed and her eyes rolled back and she passed out. Clark looked at her and then lifted her into his arms.
"I'll take her to Met Gen." He told her
He superspeeded out of the room, arriving at the hospital a short time later. She was taken to the back, the doctors had no idea what was wrong. They moved her to a regular room and Clark sat in the room with her.

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