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Clark allowed Katherine to tell him in her own time what had happened the night her uncle had been killed. In a few short months school would be done and they would be moving on to college. Katherine stood in the loft of the barn working on Clark's computer when she heard a noise. She stood and looked to see Clark coming up the stairs.
"What are you working on?"
"Finishing up college applications. Toss up if I should even go at all."
"Not sure what I would major in. No real interests. And as long as I am close to you it is all that matters. Hey how did things go with Lana in China?"
"I had my hand on the stone then it was gone. Who knows. Sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving."
"I think your parents will be even madder than I am. I am upset but she's your friend and has been for a long time. You wanted to make sure she was safe. She is right?"
"Yeah. She is mad at Jason for lying to her about going China but I guess I would be too. You are allot more understanding than you should be. I am just happy your not screaming at me."
"Wouldn't do much good. What's done is done. Talked to your parents yet?"
"No. Kinda avoiding them." Clark answered her. Katherine stood and moved to his side, she took his hand and led him to the small window they looked out at the moon and wrapped her arms around him.
"They'll understand. Don't lie to them Clark."
Clark looked down at her and smiled, he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her deeply. They pulled apart and looked at each other and he smiled at her and took her hand and led her down the stairs to head back inside.
"The sleeping arrangements will change sooner or later." Clark said as they headed to the house.
"I don't mind sleeping on the floor. I get to be close to you and you dont get into trouble for us sharing a sleeping space. It works out in all ways." She answered laughing.
"Its a good thing your cute"
"Just cute huh." Katherine said turning around and kissing him. Clark lifted her into his arms.
"Yes very."
"You two going to come inside?"
"Yeah dad." Clark answered setting Katherine back down on her feet and headed into the house.
Later that evening Katherine couldn't sleep so she had stepped outside and was sitting in the porch swing when she looked up to see Clark come from the house.
"We have school in the morning."
"I know I couldn't sleep. Did I wake you? "
"No, I kind of felt when you got up from the floor and headed outside. You ok?"
"I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep."
"Come on, I will risk getting yelled at let's get some sleep." Clark said taking her hand and leading her back inside he lay on his side on the couch and pulled her down in front of him and he wrapped his arms around her. He could feel her relax against him. He knew his folks would be upset but he knew that Katherine needed at least one night of good sleep. Something she hadn't had in weeks. Once he knew she was asleep, he relaxed and went back to sleep himself.

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