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It's been a month since Taliah gave birth to Kori. She starting to understand her parents more now. Taliah been anxious to do what she has been wanting to do,every since she had Kori-- which was make love to her husband. They've been trying to sneak a tingle here and there,but Taliah still reminds Dominic on how many more weeks,days,hours,minutes,and seconds they have left until they get to the "love making" point again. Until then,they just have to wait.

Taliah was bathing Kori in the sink. The phone rang. She turned the water off,and answered the phone. "Hello?" "Is this Mrs.Griffin?" "Yes this is she." "Well congratulations,your healing process is now,and officially;over. You can gladly go back to work." "Thank you so much doc." "You are so welcome. Have a nice day Mrs.Griffin." "you too." She then hung up the phone.

She walked to the sink,and picked Kori up,and dried her off. Taliah put a pink with white polka dots onesie on Kori. She then put Kori in a car seat. Kori didn't say anything,she was chewing on her little hand. "Kori;I'm taking you over grandmommy's house. Wanna go?" Kori just stared at her.


"Bye Kori. Mommy loves you."said Taliah,hugging her daughter and then leaving. She then picked her phone,and text Dominic.

Taliah:hey babe


Taliah:I'm horny

Dominic:*spits tea* 4 real?


Dominic:the doc called saying u can?


Dominic: wat u wnt me ta do?

Taliah:make <3 to me

Dominic: be there in 5 min.

Taliah:hurry,I'm naked

Dominic:owwww,it's like dat?


Dominic:I luv u

Taliah:I luv u too

The rest,you can figure out.

THE END. . . . .

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