One Fucked up Family

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"AHHHHHHH!" I scream as I try and get out of the restraints Sebastian and Nate put me in for, and I am quoting the little f@kers exact words. ' Its for yours, ours and everyone else's safety.'

I'm pissed, not possessed by some ghost spirit. Dumba$ses. Once I get out of these roaps, I'm shoving my feet up both their asses!!

"GET YOUR A$SES IN HERE NOW AND GET ME OUT OF THESE!!!" I scream as I thrash around. I need to go and kill Valentine! I can't let him get to my family! I won't let him!

My thoughts cause me to do a little freak out. So it looks like I'm a f@cking fish out of water..

I start banging my head back in the pillow in frustration... Why me? Why the f@ck does my life have to be so messed up?

I let out a huff of air, still pissed they tied me to my fucking bed! I mean who does that?


Then I think of something... Let's tip the bed! I mean whats the worst that could go wrong? Okay... So maybe a few things could go wrong....... But nothing to serious.... I think....

I start rocking from side to side, till I end up face first on the ground with a bed on me. Like okay, not my brightest idea. But the binds loosen, so it was totally worth it. I suddenly here footsteps so I quickly get out of the ropes.

I drag myself out from under the bed to see Johnathan, Nate, Jace, Chris, Isabelle and Amy looking at me as if I'm crazier then they already know. I know i probably have a murderous look in my eyes.

I slowly get up, sizing up my prey. "Your all dead." I say in a dark and menacing tone. Anger, the only emotion on my face. A tone that screames, run or die!

" I am going to slowly pull out all your fingernails, then I'm going to skin you all alive, then when you all are begging for your lives, I'm going to cut out your tongues!! All while you slowly watch yourself die in a mirror." I say

   They all deserve my punishment, they all are slowing down my 'Kill Valentine' time. I have to get to him before he gets to my mom, Luke, or Johnathan.

  I charge at them and as they all expect me to hit them. But I jump and twist in the air over their heads, landing behind them.

  " But your deaths have to wait. The daughter of Satan is about over throw the throne." I say in what Chris calls my murder tone.  The first time I used it, Chris nearly shit his pants. #5 on Clarys list of Best days ever.

I run to the kitchen and get some Nutella. Some energy bars and a spoon for my Nutella. What? I might have to wait out the bastered. I am not going hungry! And I am not leaving my Nutella with those traitors. They dont deserve it. I deserve it. I know i do. Unlike them.

I quickly making my way to the weapons room. I  grab as many serpent blades as I can fit on me. I grab three Stele's and I make a portal to the one place I know Valentine will be watching.

Home. Or what i used to consider home.

Luke's house slowly come into view.  I know my mom is in there, asleep, in a land where she doesn't have to fret. I have to protect her. Its my duty, i owe her.

" Oh Daddy! I'm home! You slick little c^nt!" I yell out! Knowing he can see and hear me. " Come out come out where ever you are!" I say making sure to stay alert. i mean, he could just pop out of no where. I need to make sure not to let my gaurd down.

  " If your such a badass then why do you hide? Cowered? Can't face your only daughter like the man you aren't! Your such a p#ssy!" I taunt, a smile evident on my face.

  I turn to see a man. A man with snow white locks, a slim but strong build, a ghost of a smile on his a face. Cold, blue eyes that would make any mere mortals blood run cold. I know this man.

  A man I know I killed. I saw him killed. Saw him killed into nothing. No more. But here he is. In front of me. Alive as ever. I should see if he is a Zombie. Them things are creepy. I mean has anyone seen ' Z Nation, Walking Dead?' Well they are creepy as f#ck.

  " Hello Clarissa dear." The man says with a rusty voice.

  " Hello father."


Hello myl oves!!!
Guess who finally got to save their work!
This girl!!!
I'm sorry it took me so long to update but every time I saved my work it deleted. So  I had to start it over a shitton of times... And I'm sorry its so short. I'll make a longer one next chapter.






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