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The place beyond the door looked very different to the Underground city. It was a Library of some renown from what Sophie could see. The entrance hall of the library has three rules posted the first being to not remove any books without a suitable replacement.

The second posted rule was to not destroy books. The third rule stated all punishments or other wise is at the discretion of "Death". Sophie's only thought was why was she in such a place.

It is a grand entrance hall for a library of all things, then she sees the directory for the library is a book thicker than her waist. The directory is open to a page on which where forge work can be done within the library.

"This place is bound to my family line, all the books here are why our family was almost wiped from the face of the Earth. This place is our very bloody family legacy, This is our families Bestiary.

The part of the family we were a part of before it was destroyed was a sect of hunters who's philology was to only kill those monster's who were killing others. We did not go out killing monsters for just being, we were respected by the monster's of the night for killing when it was needed not when it wasn't. 

A good way to show this is a story I was told, their was a family whos youngest son was infected with something like Rabies. The family had no choice but to try to put down the son for being a danger to others. That didn't work, the son got away lucky without infecting anyone else.

The son started to kill anything that crossed his path, he killed people. My parents heard what had happed they had put him out of suffering at the hands of this illness. They were very respectable about the whole thing that boy was you're Grandmothers unyounger brother.

Even though my parents killed her brother, she adopted me even after that. After finding me on her doorstep she could have given me away to a loving family like she has for other young boys. Instead she took the product of her brothers killers and raised me.

Right from the start she trained me right from the start to be a mercenary.  As a life long soldier she raised all of her children to have the ability to be a soldier. The least you could learn from her was how to survive any event.

The library in which you stand came with me on the day my mom found me. The library is a special kind of thing, it acts like property. My mom acted like the guardian of the library for a time.

She went as far as to do jobs using my name to start to get my name around so people wouldn't come after me. Putting forward the front that I was already a force to be reckoned with at the age of five.

Funny part deary was that she hadn't even started to teach me anything but the basics of being a person at such a time. If you come this way we will get you settled in one of your mom's rooms for your stay here. Everyone who is going or has gone to school here has two rooms.

One a normal room, the other here in the Library as a safe back up location for safety. Most ladies use their second room as a safe storage space that cannot be breached easily. As to enter the Library you need my permission to do so. 

Got to love pocket dimensions that house our great blood stained Library. With sadness in his eyes and voice "Eventually the Libraries key will be pasted down to my only living daughter you. Thee walk didn't take long at all, this is where both of ours are.

Opening the door, a beautiful small apartment could be seen. Making their way inside Sophie could see a wonderfully immaculate kitchenette and living room combo. Two doors on the far wall can be seen with signs on them, one says The Fairy Queen's the other says Peace Keeper.

Peace Keeper tells Sophie that she will be going to school tomorrow that her uniform is already in her room. Also that anytime she is outside of classes or passing between classes she is to stay with him. For not everyone will be friendly to my child or your mother's.

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