Arena C

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Overwatch in a concerned tone asks Peace Keeper "Please tell me you will not be bring forth the third Horsemen?"

Sophie is starting to sport a concerned face.

"As you know Pestilence what I do, is my decision and nothing you say or do will change that. I have every right to bring forth Famine on to the field of battle"

Overwatch is visually shaking from her exoskeleton to what appears to be her body. "if you mean to bring forth a weapon that has no way to be controlled, I wanna go back into the dark"

Peace Keeper nodding his head slightly in the affirmative.

With that Overwatch went back to her darkness, leaving her summoning stone behind. 

Sophie pleading with Peace Keeper "please don't bring Pestilence forward"

Peace Keeper with a grin upon his face, he pulls back his cowl. "So you have figured out what my name is then"

Still on Peace Keepers lap, Sophie says in a little shaken voice "you are the last Horsemen called Death, the Horsemen that leads The Four Horsemen".

Peace Keeper whispers in Sophie's ear "I am just a man, my family name means death in many magical languages. That is not why I am a Peace Keeper. Like so many things, time changes things except my name and the history behind it"

Sophie taken a little aback says "I believe we have a contest to complete"

Peace Keeper in a knowing way says "I believe we do dearie, the creature you face in this round will be different. This round will be your creature verses mine"

Sophie says with confidence that she does not feel "I will continue with my summon, where is your's?"

Peace Keeper snaps his fingers, the battlefield has changed once again. This time to a very valley covered terrain. The terrain has many plateaus with narrow valleys between, prefect for dog fighting.

Peace Keeper in matter of fact tone says "The Horsemen you will be facing is the one you are sitting on. Their is no need to get up Dearie for this will be over soon" With that he flicks his wrist and a Falchion appears. It is not a normal blade for the blade seems to be made of Petrified wood. The markings on the blade seem to be moving as if alive. The edge of the blade looks to be blunted instead of sharp for some reason.

Sophie in a loud voice tells Fire Phoenix to begin the match. With the match started even holding someone in his arms Peace Keeper swings his Falchion with strength that out does ten men. The swing sends a slash wave into the air at Fire Phoenix who just barely dodges the attack.

He just keeps swinging the Falchion at the Phoenix not giving it an inch. The Phoenix tries to dodge everyone of the swings that would have been fatal. With Sophie still cradled around him, he makes a finger gun in his unoccupied hand.

With his finger gun he fires from the hip and continues to slash at his opponent. With every second passing the Phoenix is finding it harder and harder to keep on. Feeling completely done at this point Fire Phoenix sprays fire at the Throne. After the dust settled if you were watching the attack did nothing at all.

Sick of this paltry enemy, the spine of his Falchion grows thicker. The cutting surface shortens allowing the spine to length out to where the tip of the blade was. With that Peace Keeper points the former tip of his Falchion at Fire Phoenix. A projectile shot forward from the spine of the blade with force. 

Hitting Fire Phoenix in the neck, it did not harm the Phoenix but at the impact zone the projectile spread around it's neck making a collar. The collar said "for my daughter from Dad" even though from the Throne they could not see the message they could see the collar spread around the neck with speed.

Sophie in a pleading tone "please don't kill him"

Peace Keeper with a smirk "I caste Capture" With that done he gestures for Phoenix to come closer. He puts out his arm, the Phoenix perches on his arm like it's nothing.

Sophie in a sulky mood says "I lost, what would you like me to do first as your servant"

Peace Keeper with a smirk kisses her on her forehead before saying "nothing, I would like to know what your mother told you about your father. Did he die before you were born? Was he a great warrior?"

With a look of shock "how did you know that?"

Peace Keeper not shocked tells her that when her mother was much younger, that The Queen at the time her Grandmother. The current Queen had consorted with a Fairy Prince. The old Queen had the Prince killed, we didn't know around that time what mental illness was.

The Queen was paranoid that the Prince wanted the old Queens power, so she killed him. With both the Prince and Princess consorting in a not so noble fashion. The Old Queen had sent out a kill notice on her Daughter the current Queen.

The current Queen survived the first two attacks but just barely. She seeked out the only creature that might have a hope of keeping The Mad Queen's Servants away. That creature was a Orphaned boy who's family was destroyed a decade earlier by The Mad Queen.

 The boys name turned over time to mean Death in magical tongues for his family in the pasted killed countless numbers of Magical creatures. The old Queen wiped his family from the planet but she missed one of them.

The youngest of the Clan of Death survived the attack that killed his entire family. My parents per tradition for whatever reason sett up a safe guard to protect my life. This safe guard was the strongest my parents could think of.

Any other children that survived the initial attack were slaughtered, after they were whisked away. I was brought away to an enemy, my parents very much disliked the enemy but liked them enough to raise me. This enemy had a army to protect me where my kin did not.

My adoptive Mom was very forward, she never kept anything from me. If I asked she would answer the question even if she know I would not like the answer. She took me in knowing that I could bring Heaven's wraith down round her ears.

She didn't care; for her a child in need was the most important thing, so it is for an any Werewolf. I was her first boy, before me she brought in only girls and even after she brought Death into her home I was always her little boy. For whatever reason she just liked raising lady mercenaries of every species.

She would not turn away a child in need, thou. She would send any boys she came across with suitable adoptive parents who would be able to help the child with their supernatural life. Placing a child who is a strict vegetarian with parents who a strictly carnivore was a no for mom.

My mom knew the cost of war, for that was what she trained us for. She taught us for war so many may life instead of just the few.

Author's spill:

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