Arena B

17 5 2

Sophie "So what is the complication with this next round Daddy?"

Peace Keeper "You will see little one, like I said my next summons is Overwatch"

Sophie "Daddy I think, I will continue to use Fire Phoenix"

Peace Keeper "Ok then. If you so wish you can toss Overwatch's stone for me" For all appearances he produces a small stone with a crosshair on it from no where. He snaps his fingers once more and the terrain changes to a mild desert. Their are dry forests of just trees no other plant life.

Sophie "Daddy can you please tell me about this terrain?" Tosses Overwatch's summoning stone to the ground.

The dirt seems to darken where the summoning stone was tossed. In it's place a black wooded sapling appears to grow. Overwatch seems to grow from the dirt like some very quick growing Demonic plant. When the black tree grows to ten feet it apparently stops growing up but the thickness of the tree begins to expand.

Peace Keeper "The area is very dry when it comes down to rain, but the trees are so well connected in a way, where they share water and other nutarians. The oldest trees have roots so deep that they can access the underground reserve of fresh water far below the surface. The trees are the only species here that can thrive without being very close to a water source. The trees are so closely related and interconnected too each other that they can be considered the same tree".

Overwatch speaks In a distantly female voice while still forming "Thank you, for bringing me forth from the darkness Master"

Overwatch appears to be a large quadrupedal entity that's back legs look like that of an insect. The legs seem to be inverted more like a cricket than to the human form, the legs go behind the main body where the knees are inverted to ours's. The hind feet or what ever you would like to call them are inverted to ours as well giving what I gather better pushing off power that a lot of animals have.

The front arms are like that of a giant Gorilla with it resting on it's knuckles in the rest position of the body. Then resting on it's back is what appears to be a long small caliber cannon with a fine boar on the inside.

It gives off the feeling of a rifle but doesn't look the part of a traditional rifle with that size and lack of trigger mechanism. They seem to bow their head but it looks like they are trying to do their best to do the action of kneeling before their master.

Their hair seems to be very fine vines that extend from what seems to be the head. Their hair looks to be very nicely done up with beautiful dreadlocks with sigil engraved beads throughout. Their hair or what has the appearance of hair stays in place leaving the face of the golem exposed.

Then for no apparent reason a rift starts to open in the beasts chest, revealing a small humanoid form. The creature that comes forth from the big body before us, is pretty similar is our own humanoid forms just that their organic in a different way. They were a very pretty women, who's skin was flawless. Who's hair was beautifully done up in dreads with beautiful sigil engraved beads throughout. Who's nakedness weirded out Sophie.

Peace Keeper "Hello Goddess, its nice to see my sword has not lost it's sharpness for dramatics"

Overwatch "Master you sure know how to make a girl feel welcome. But your companion here(gesturing at Sophie) doesn't know that a jaw on the floor attracts flies. Don't be too over whelmed by me girl, I was made for war as was the Master's shield you know them by the name Aries"

Peace Keeper "I swear If I have to tell you again that fliting or sucking up is not ok, I will be making it an order not to do it with me. You may look to be pretty on the outside but we both know what hides behind that blood covered mask"

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