Stronger Relationship

147 7 3

Lewis p.o.v

I hug her and try to keep her warm. I'm glad we solved things. It went automatically really. I never want to argue with her ever again. Just keep her happy Lewis then everything will be fine. I look at her watching the TV. I really want to marry her. I'm saying it from the start but it's for real this time. "Hey (yn)?!" I ask. "Yes?!" She responds." If I would ask you if you want to marry me, what would you say?!" I ask." Yes ofcourse". She responds. I blush. "I want to marry you (yn)". I say. "I want to marry you to". She says and smiles. I smile brightly. "Your smiling as an idiot again". She says to me. I blush a little and try to make my smile different. "It's cute your idiotic smile". She says. "And idiotic laugh". She adds up. Yeah, I know for sure that she is the one. In an instant her smile begins to fade. "What's wrong?!" I ask. "Nothing". She responds. "I was just thinking about darko again". "I'm sure he is in a nice place honey". I respond." Well we have seen him recently. I'm not sure about the being in a good place thing". She says. "I can't bring him back. I'm sorry", I say. "I know". She responds. "You are so cute and kind". I say to her. I kiss her on the lips and she kisses back. I deepen the kiss and she does it to. I go with my tongue through her mouth and stroke hers. If this was a dream then no one can get me out of it. She is with her arms around my neck and I'm with my arms around her waist I hold her a little off the ground. This is the best and the longest kiss we have had since ever. This means our relationship is getting stronger right?! Well anyways it's amazing to be with her. It feels like I'm in heaven. "Your in a good mood". She says to me." Yeah I guess I am". I respond. "Aren't you tired?!" She asks." A little". I respond. "You need to sleep more". She says." Maybe I should". I say back to her. She stands up and walks to the kitchen. "You want something?!" She asks while looking into the fridge." I'm good thanks". I say back. She gets something to drink for herself and goes back to me and sits down next to me. She lays her head down on my chest and listens to my heartbeat. "How is it possible that your almost always so nicely warm?!" She asks." I have no idea must be a good feature about me". I respond. She chuckles and snuggles me." This reminds me off our first time we met". I say and look at her she has fallen asleep. Just like our first time together. A lot has changed in a couple of weeks. For the worst and for the better. I love her no matter what. I dont want to lose her for darko. Darko is dead.. What am I thinking. Why do I have a feeling he isnt dead.. I'll fight for her. Whatever it takes. Darko isn't going to get her again. It makes me so jealous and angry because she is mine and not his. He is dead Lewis get it out of your head. Just to make sure.. I get up letting (yn) sleep. I go to the bedroom and sit down on the bed. I perform a spell where I can feel the presence of other spirits. I finish it and I feel my own and (yn) hers mixed together with her other side and.. There is someone else.. It cant be.. We were just hallucinating. That must have been it. "Are you, lewis?!" I hear a voice say from behind. I shock and look behind me." Darko.." I say and look around. I see no one. I am alone. I'm just going insane.. That's all.. He isn't here. I stand up and walk back to the living room where (yn) is asleep. "(yn)?!" I yell. I see that she isn't there. "Where are you?!" I yell throughout the house." I'm here". I hear a female voice say out of the bathroom. I rush to the bathroom and she stands infront of the mirror drying her hair and body." Is everything okay?!" She asks. I look at her body with only a towel wrapped around her body and a towel in her hair. "Yes, everything is fine". I say back." I woke up so I decided to take a shower. I'm sorry if I spooked you". She says." It's okay". I say. She smiles and strokes my face. I hug her. She hugs back. I stop hugging her what made the towel almost fell off her body. She picked it up at just the right time. "Careful lew". She says. "Sorry". I respond. "Well as your future wife, you are allowed to see my body". She says. "Future wife?!" I ask and blush. "If you want to marry in a week then I'll say yes". I blush even harder and keep looking at her. "But if you don't want to then it doesnt have to be. We can take things slow if you want to"." It depends on you". I say to her. She kisses me on the lips. I kiss back. I stroke her body slowly. 'Your so beautiful". I say to her.' And your so sexy". She says and winks. I blush. "We need to go on a date again soon". I say to her. "That's a very good idea". She responds. "I know a place". I say. "Great". She says. "But now I really need to dry myself off and get dressed". She says to me. "I'll help". I say and dry her off. "Thanks babe". She says to me. I dry her off really carefully and well. She walks to the bedroom and puts on some comfy clothes. I sit down on the couch and give her a sign that she can sit on my lap. I stretch my legs and she sits down on my lap. I wrap my arms around her and snuggle her from behind." You still need to record today honey". She says to me." Oh yes, I almost forgot". I say back to her. "Your a life saver". I say to her." Your welcome". She says back to me. "I dont want to get up, I want to spend more time with you". I say to her. "Then you'll upload one of your extra videos or skip a day. People will understand". "No, I need to record something". "Stay calm". She says to me. "Your right". I say back. "Im really tired tho.." I say to her. "Then sleep baby". She says to me. "I... Can't.." I yawn and try to keep my eyes open but fall asleep in a instant. I feel her stroke my hair as I slowly drift away into my sleep.

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