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Sincere Philips
"Mom we're here! ," Sincere yelled closing the door behind her and Xahkeia.

"My baby of the bunch. ," squealed Erin hugging her babygirl before taking a look at her.

"Hey ma Erin. ," Xahkeia pulled Erin into a hug.

"Hello my other daughter. How was y'all flight? ," asked Erin showing Xahkeia the same affection.

"It was good. ," replied Xahkeia.

"And tiring. ," sighed Sincere.

"Where's Sienna? I sent her to get y'all. ," asked Erin looking for her eldest daughter.

"I don't know why mama you know I'm not getting into a vehicle with Sienna. ," Sincere rolled her eyes.

"I don't understand what's it gonna take for you two to get along. ," sighed Erin.

"An apology and she has to show me she's change. Other than that I want no dealings with her. ," stated Sincere.

Just as she said that Sincere's older sisters Sienna and Serenity bout enter their parents home. Serenity went and greeted both Sincere and Xahkeia with a hug then kissed her moms cheek.
"Hey family how are you? ," spoke Serenity as she fully entered the house.

"Hey Ren. ," spoke Sincere.

"Heyy Serenity. ," added Xahkeia.

"I'm fine sweetie how about yourself? ," Erin pulled her into a hug.

"Good where's nana? ," asked Serenity hugging her mother back before pulling away.

"She's at Nikki's. Anyone hungry? ," asked Erin.

"Me! ," exclaimed Xahkeia.

"I have roast, greens, sweet potato p—

"We're fine mom we're actually going on a date in an hour. ," Sincere interrupted her mother.

"We are? ," Xahkeia raised a questioning brow.

"Yea so we need to be getting cleaned up and dressed right now. ," answered Sincere grabbing her things as Xahkeia followed.

"Damn y'all just aren't going to speak? ," said Sienna finally breaking her peace.

"Watch your damn mouth before I stomp a mud hole in your ass. I don't know were y'all get that disrespectful shit from... ," snapped Erin going back into the kitchen.

"She told you. ," snickered Serenity before going down the hallway to her spare room.

"Shut up Ren. ," Sienna rolled her eyes.

"Sienna. ," said Sincere.

"Sincere, Xahkeia. ," replied Sienna.

Sincere walked down the hallway to her old bedroom as Xahkeia trailed along. Closing the door they took turns doing everything until they were dressed. They strutted to the front grabbing the keys to their rental car.

"Mom we're leaving. ," said Sincere seeing her mom come from the kitchen.

"You two look gorgeous. ," complimented Erin.

"Thanks ma Erin. ," smiled Xahkeia.

"Thanks mommy. ," said Sincere.

"You're welcome have fun and be safe. ," Erin kissed both their cheek.

"We will. ," replied Sincere leaving behind Xahkeia.

Xahkeia Murray
"Let's take each other's pictures. ," Xahkeia glanced over at Sincere.

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