valentine's- peter parker

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"Sounds like a plan," you gave him a thumbs-up before running back to the kitchen to get the food.

While Peter placed the orders for your dinner, you grabbed a bunch of snacks from the kitchen and placed them onto a tray before carrying all of it back to the lounge.

"Food's coming in about 10-12," Peter looked behind him to meet your eyes, and you shot him a thumbs up, placing the snack tray down on the coffee table.

You flopped onto the couch next to his spot and wrapped the blankets around your shoulders, beginning to notice how chilly it actually was.

Neither one of you decided to acknowledge the significant gap between you two, thinking it would be better left alone. You knew that if you got too close to him you'd get all flustered and there was no way you were letting your feelings be exposed in that manner.

The food came soon enough, and the beginning of the first movie and all of dinner was spent in silence, nothing else being heard over the sounds of the TV except for the slurping of pad thai noodles and crunching popcorn.

"This is so much better than a fancy romantic dinner that most cliche annoying people like to do on this day," Peter commented as he clicked the second movie option because both of you deemed the first one too cringey to keep watching. He casually wrapped an arm around your waist as he set the remote back down on the coffee table.

You didn't bother on asking him what he was doing because you didn't really mind.

You also were secretly hoping that Peter wouldn't be able to hear your heartbeat because you swore you could feel it pounding in your ears and all around you, seemingly drowning out the sound of everything else.

"Peter, why the hell is Fifty Shades of Grey part of this playlist?" you exclaimed, eyes widening when you recognized what was playing on screen.

"Sorrysorrysorry, that was probably either Mr. Stark's or Clint's doing," he apologized quickly, switching the channel before you two saw too much.

"Bleugh." You fake-gagged and reached for more popcorn before shuffling into a more comfortable position, and Peter subconsciously wrapped his arm around you again.

"It's 10:49, almost 11," he checked his phone after movie #5 several hours later and looked over at you, "kinda late but not really. We can either do something else and watch the Office or go for round 6. Opinions?"

"Who needs sleep? The Office," you said before yawning, "I can handle it."

"Office it is," he shrugged while struggling to fight back a yawn as well, pressing play. The familiar theme song began playing and you couldn't help but smile at the familiar tune you'd heard countless times before.

Peter looked down during the middle of the episode to find that you'd fallen asleep. He couldn't help but stare for a bit, noting that you looked rather adorable with your hair slightly messed up and your smaller frame curled up against him.

Smoothing your hair back and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, he turned the TV off.

"I love you," he whispered, feeling his cheeks flame bright red as he spoke.

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"Wonder what the kids are getting up to," Steve hummed as the Avengers were casually sitting around and taking a break during their training sessions, or mindlessly taking hits at punching bags or lifting weights. And in Pietro's case, being sprawled out across the gym floor and blankly staring up at the ceiling. "Binge-watching cheesy movies? Sounds fun."

(But really, Tony set this all up because he wanted to give the two of you some 'space').

"Pfft, more like making out," Sam snorted, then paused and looked around when everyone gave him a confused look. "What? Y'all know what I'm talking about. They're both head over heels for each other and if you can't see that or haven't heard about that yet, you might as well be as dumb as Barnes over here."

"Shut up, birdbrain," Bucky rolled his eyes, "and yeah, we can all clearly see that."

"It's Valentine's Day, and they're spending time together. Next thing you know there's a baby on the way, oh boy, Tony, how are you going to handle being a grandfather..." Pietro snickered.

"Can it, Speedy," Tony rolled his eyes.

"It's been a while since they came home and we've left them alone with each other all day," Natasha pointed out, "shouldn't we go and check up on them?"

"Sounds like a plan," Pietro shot his sister a thumbs up and jumped back up from the floor.

The team walked into the lounge to look for you and Peter and instead of finding you guys on your next movie, found you asleep on each other.

Both of you were fast asleep, one of your arms sprawled across Peter's chest and one of your legs draped across him, and his arm wrapped firmly around your torso to hold you close.

"Oh my god," Wanda pointed over at the two of you, smiling widely, "look, they're cuddling!"

"Ah, the chemistry," Bruce sighed and placed a hand over his heart, "Cupid has struck the right pair."

Right at that moment you stirred slightly, then blinked a few times and woke up and Peter did the same not long after. Your expressions changed to a confused one when you found yourselves wrapped up in each others' arms, then to one of embarrassment, turning bright red upon seeing that the entire team had surrounded you two.

"Well shit," you muttered under your breath.

"Damn," Peter cursed himself mentally for letting it happen.

"This really is the day of love, I see. Quite interesting and romantic, it is!" Thor stated delightedly with a wide grin on his face. "Young love is so adorable."

You let out a groan and fell back onto the sofa, stuffing your face into a fluffy pillow and screaming for a few seconds.

"What's wrong with her?" Peter looked over at you strangely.

"She's in love with you," Clint stated simply, "and you too."

"W-what, no, I'm not in love, I couldn't---"

Everyone gave him looks of suspicion and stared him down until he finally cracked under the pressure.

"Okayokayokay fine! Maybe I do...a little...just a little..."

You let out an even louder scream into your pillow at that before jumping up and running upstairs to your room, slamming your door rather loudly.

"She sure shows her love in a weird way. I think she gets that weirdness from you, Tony."

"Oh shut up, Bruce."

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat