Chapter XXXV

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Chloe's POV

It's been a few weeks since Beca and I saw Tom and today is the day where he is finally going to meet Emily. Even though Beca was hesitant, we talked a lot and she's willing to give Tom a try. I'm super proud of her for doing so. I know this will be tough for her since Em is her little girl and she'll literally do anything for her so it's only natural for her to be reluctant. We spoke to Emily about Tom and she didn't understand the gravity of the situation, obviously, but she was happy to meet her dad for the first time. Emily has always been optimistic and willing to try new things so hopefully, Tom doesn't screw this up. Emily is so pure and so full of love she doesn't deserve to get hurt as I have. I can see that Tom has changed and is willing to put effort into my daughter so let's hope everything goes well.

The three of us are at a park waiting for Tom who should rock up at any minute now. We got here early so Emily could play on the playground before she meets her dad. Beca and I are sitting on a bench watching her as Beca bounces her knee at a fast pace and runs her hand through her hair - things she does when she's nervous.

"Hey," I put my hand on her leg, stopping her movements. "It'll be okay."

She nods at me.

"What are you worried about?"

"I don't know... I never thought I'd do this."

"Neither did I."

"I just don't want Em to get hurt that's all. I know we've spoken about how Tom has changed and all that but this is Emily - our baby girl."

Our baby girl... Every time she says things like that, I just melt. I love how Beca has taken on the role of Emily's mama so well and so naturally as if she's been her mother since birth. It's so beautiful. I couldn't have asked for someone more perfect than Becs. I love her so much.

"She is and she'll be fine. If I had any doubt about this, I wouldn't have agreed to it. I think Em has the right to meet her dad and she seemed pretty excited about it so let's just go into this with a positive and optimistic outlook and hopefully, we'll come out the same way."

Beca smiles at me, picking my hand up and kissing it softly.

"You're so good to me," she utters.

"Me? Becs... I have no words for how good you are to me. I'm so proud of you for everything in regards to Tom. I know this has been hard on you but this just goes to show how much of a good mama you are and how loving you are as well. You're amazing and I dread to think where I'd be right now without you. I wouldn't have been able to do this without you. You have no idea how much your support means to me."

"I'd do anything for you and Em, babe. I've told you once and I'll tell you again - I'd die and kill for you two. You girls are my family."

Just when I feel like my heart is about to burst, Beca kisses me tenderly and I sink into the kiss.


I reluctantly pull away from Beca and look up to see Tom standing next to us. Okay. Here we go.

"Tom," I stand as does Beca.

"Is that her?" He asks, looking over at Em on the playground.

"Yes. Are you ready to meet her?"

"Yeah," he breathes nervously. "Yeah, I'm ready."

"Okay. Becs, did you want to go and get her?"


I squeeze her hand before she goes.

"Thanks again for this, Chloe," Tom says. "I never thought I'd get this opportunity."

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