Chapter XV

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Beca's POV

Things have been going well with Chloe. We get along nicely and I'm getting better with Emily, too. I spend more time with Chloe but when I'm around Emily, I'm not as tense as I used to be. I feel good about my relationship with Chloe but I'm still not as... affectionate as I think she wants me to be. I'm still not used to Chloe holding my hand all the time and all that stuff and I kinda feel like I'm letting her down. I never thought I'd do this but I get my phone and dial Aubrey's number. I need some advice. Thankfully, Aubrey answers on the third ring.

"Mitchell," she greets cooly.

"Posen. How are you?"

"Well. Yourself?"

"Fine, thank you."

"What can I do for you?"

"Listen, before you start giving me shit, just know that this is for Chloe's best interest, okay?"

"What is it?"

"Is there any advice you can give me about Chloe?"


"I know it's an odd thing to ask but I'm not a relationship person and Chloe clearly is so I need to know if there's anything I should do or whatever."

"Beca Mitchell actually caring about others for a change. Interesting."

"Bite me, Posen."

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because you don't want to see Chloe get hurt and if you do this for me I tell you a bit about Stacie."

I can hear Aubrey thinking down the end of the line.

"Fine," she sighs.

"Thank you."

"What do you want to know?"

"Well, I just want to find out what kind of a person she is - what she likes, dislikes, loves, hates, and all that. I just feel like I'm not going a very good job at this whole relationship thing."

"Wow... That's actually kinda sweet."

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Well, first of all - Chloe loves affection."

"Yeah, I kinda figured that one out already."

"It's true. She LOVES it. She loves any type and it means the world to her. Even I have to give her affection."

"Seriously?" I chuckle.

"Yes. She loves to love and be loved - it's just who she is. Giving affection means the world to her and she'll give it back just as much if not more. Chloe doesn't need you to give her a lot, you know? Like, if you gave her a kiss and a cuddle out of the blue, she'll love you forever. Those things just mean so much to her."

"Oh... O, okay. Be affectionate. Got it. What else?"

"Well, she loves spending time with you and she'll want to know what you're doing and all that."

"So she IS the clingy type? I'm not just overthinking it?"

"I guess you would put it that way. As I said, she loves to be loved."

"Alright, what else?"

"She likes going out and doing things. She likes to be spontaneous and she's pretty much up for everything. If you decided to go on a trip throughout Europe at the last minute, she'd come. She likes to have fun and try new things and if you have a comfort zone, then you can forget all about it with Chloe."

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