Chapter XXVIII

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Beca's POV

"Have you got everything you need?" I check.

"Yes, mama."

"And you know to call me if anything happens, right?"

"Yes, mama."

"And what do we do when boys get too close when we don't like it?"

"Punch them."

"Good girl." I lean down and kiss Emily's head.

To my reluctance, I've allowed Emily to go over to Benji's house for a sleepover. I met him and I met his parents and they seem like decent enough people. Benji's a sweet kid and I saw how he looked at Emily. It was as if she was the most prized jewel, which is how people need to look at her because she IS the most prized jewel - she's perfect.

"Just quickly, give me ten punches," I hold out my hands where Emily punches them. "Good girl."

"Babe," Chloe giggles. "She's going to be fine. Benji would even dare to hurt her. He cried when he accidentally broke one of the teacher's pencils."

"He'll do more than cry if I find out he did something to my daughter."

I hear Chloe giggle again then see Benji run up to Emily with a big smile on his face.

"Hi, Emily!" He waves.

"Hi, Benji!" She beams.

"Are you ready to go to my house?"


"Cool," he giggles shyly. "Mommy says we can have pizza for dinner and ice cream."


"Are you ready to go, kids?" Melany, Benji's mother, asks when she approaches the kids.

Melany is a good mother to Benji. She is very sweet and caring. Benji gets some of his looks from his mother like his brown hair and smile. He gets his nose and brown eyes from his dad. Melany has blue eyes whereas Jeff, Benji's dad, has brown. He gets his personality from them as well. Both are nice people so I'm quite comfortable letting Emily stay over for the weekend.

"Yes!" They say.

"Good. How are you, Beca and Chloe?" She smiles.

"Very well, thank you. Emily is VERY excited," Chloe answers.

"So is Benji. He couldn't talk about anything else for the whole week."

"Neither could Emily. I'm sure they'll have a good time."

"I'm sure they will, too. Thank you for letting Emily stay over. Benji has trouble making friends so this really means a lot to him."

"Our pleasure! It's good to see the two of them get along so well."

"It's very good. Alright, you two, let's go!"

"Come here, nerd," I say, crouching down where Emily falls into my arms. "Be a good girl and I'll see you on Sunday."

"Okay, mama."

"Love you."

"Love you, too."

"Give me a kiss."

Emily leans back and pecks my cheek.

"Thank you." I stand and let Chloe say goodbye to Emily before Melany takes her and Benji to her car.

"She'll be okay, babe," Chloe says, rubbing her hand across my back.

"How is it that you're completely chilled about this and I'm not?"

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