Chapter XXXIV

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Beca's POV

"Mama, come and build a sandcastle with me!" Emily takes my hand and pulls me over to where she's making a sandcastle.

Chloe, Emily, Billie, and I are out at the beach since it's a sunny day and Chloe wanted to have a family day. I don't particularly like the beach but after everything that's happened with Tom, I need an outing like this with my girls and I think Chloe needs it, too, and Emily for that matter. She was so excited when Chloe told her we were going to the beach. She made sure to get all of her things ready the night before and even back her beach bag. She gets cuter and cuter every day and I honestly don't want her to grow up.

"Okay! I'm coming! I'm coming!" I say then sit down with her as she grabs her tools to make a castle.

She's so cute. She puts them all in order and places what we need to use first in front of me.

"Alright, so what do I do now?" I ask.

"You take a bucket and fill it with sand," she begins and I follow her instructions carefully.


"Then you turn it upside down but you've got to do it quickly or else the sand will fall out."

"Alright... Like this?" I quickly do it.

"Yep!" She nods with a smile.

"What now?"

"Then you grab the little bucket and do it again but put it next to this one."

"Put it over here?" I purposefully point away from the tower I've just made.

"No," she shakes her head.

"Here?" I point even further away.

"No!" She giggles.

"Here?" I do it again but in the opposite direction.

"No! Here!" She points to where it needs to go.

"There?" I frown playfully. "Are you sure?"


"I feel like you're tricking me... Are you tricking me?"

"No," she giggles.

I squint at her and it makes her giggle even more.

"Alright... but I'm watching you..." I point at my eyes then point them at her.

"Okay! So, I've got one chocolate ice cream and one vanilla ice cream for my two favourite girls!" Chloe returns to us with our ice creams.

"Yes! Thank you, mommy!" Emily jumps up and grabs her ice cream.

"You're welcome, baby girl."

"Thanks, babe," I kiss her cheek. "What did you get?"


"Of course."

Chloe sits down next to me and Emily sits on my lap as she eats her ice cream. I swear this girl gets her clinginess from her mother. It's like when you sit down on the floor and a dog just HAS to sit on your lap because you're there. I don't mind it though. This is what happens when you're a full-time mama.

"Billie!" Emily giggles when Billie goes to sneak a lick of her ice cream.

Billie wags her tail, trying harder to get to Emily's ice cream until Emily pushes her off her lap.

"Feeling better?" Chloe asks, drawing small circles along my lower back.

I know she's referring to the whole Tom situation and going out has taken my mind off things.

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