Chapter IX

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Beca's POV

It's the night of my night out with Chloe. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't a bit nervous. I'm so glad I invited Stacie with me. I still don't know Chloe very well but she intimidates me, which is something I'll never repeat aloud. Her eyes just pierce right through me. It's like she's looking into my soul or something. She has a very kind and bubbly nature and she's like nobody I've ever met before. She's like the total opposite of me and yet, I'm intrigued by her and she by me. It's interesting but some say that opposites attract, which is actually not true. We prefer to be around people who are similar to us since we can connect with them better, which is why we have longer-lasting friendships and relationships. I'm attracted to Chloe not only because of her looks but because there's something different about her. I have no idea what she sees in me but I just hope that I don't scare her away tonight. I'm not very good with people in general so potentially dating Chloe in the future seems like a failure waiting to happen.

"Stacie, are you ready yet?" I go upstairs into Stacie's room and find her standing in front of her vanity table putting gold earrings in her ears. "Whoa..."

She looks hot! She's wearing a tight, black dress with matching heels. She's styled her hair into perfect waves and the makeup on her face highlights her features.

"How do I look?" She asks me.


"Yeah? Do you think Aubrey will like it?"

"Wow," I chuckle.


"You're really hooked on her, aren't you?"

"You have no idea how hard it was for me to pick a dress that I was happy with."

"Oh, trust me, I think I have an idea."

Stacie is terrible when it comes to deciding what clothes she is going to wear, especially if we're going somewhere special. She takes twice as long as the regular person does to get ready. I'm not wearing anything overly special. I'm just in a nice pair of black jeans, black heeled boots, a red blouse, and my signature leather jacket over the top.

"So are you ready to go then?"

"Yes, I think so." Stacie finishes putting in her earrings and checks herself over before she grabs her handbag. "Ready."

"Good. Let's go then."


Aubrey's POV

I'm so nervous. I'm going to see Stacie again and I feel so bad for not replying to her texts. I'm tossing up whether or not I should write back now but it'll be too late and she'll know that I'm only doing it because I'm about to see her. It's all just a mess... I should have replied sooner but I was too scared... I just hope Stacie understands and I hope that she's not angry with me or anything. For tonight, I've slipped on a casual navy blue dress with black heels. I've curled my hair and put on some makeup and I look good if I do say so myself. I hope Stacie likes what I'm wearing... Not that I'm dressing to impress her or anything. Well... not really. I don't know. I can't think too much about it. I've already overthought about what I'm wearing tonight so I don't have time to overthink again. Chloe's picking me up in ten minutes so I've got to finish doing my final preparations for tonight before we leave.

I slip in a pair of gold earrings and make sure that my makeup is the way I like it. I don't even know why I'm fussing so much, especially when this is more Chloe's thing than mine. I'm just going so it's not so awkward but yet I'm acting as if we're all going on a double date! I really hope Beca isn't what I think she is. I'm just really cautious about who Chloe dates now, especially after what happened with Tom. I still can't get over what he did to her. Chloe deserved so much better than that but she just didn't believe in herself. It was upsetting and unfortunately, Chloe learned the hard way. Let's just hope that Beca's different and that she'll treat Chloe right. Chloe really needs someone positive in her life and someone who will take care of her and treat her like she deserves to be treated. Chloe's had her fair share of scumbags so it's time that she has someone decent for once.

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