He Teaches You To Drive

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Right now I'm hanging out with Chase at his house, we're in his living room watching tv.
Chase: I'm bored.
Sydney: You could let me drive your car. *laughs*
Chase: *Laughs* That's not gonna help with me being bored. And you don't know how to drive.
Sydney: You can teach me to drive.
Chase: Okay.
Sydney: Wait really?
Chase: Yes. *laughs* Lets go. I'll teach you how to drive.
Sydney: Okay.

I stand up along with Chase, we walk to the front door and put our shoes on. Chase grabs his keys and hands them to me, we walk outside to his car. I get in the drivers seat and Chase gets in the passenger seat.
Chase: Okay so before you start the car let me show you all the gears and stuff. You only drive with one foot which is your right foot, your gas pedal is the closest to the radio and the brake pedal is the one closest to your door. Okay?
Sydney: Okay.
Chase: This is your turn signal. You push it down if your turning left and you push it up if your turning right.

I nod my head, Chase continues to show me all of the gears and shifts. Once he finishes showing me all the gears; we buckle in and I turn the car on. I put my foot on the the brake and change the shifting gear to reverse, I move my foot off of the break and put it on the gas. I press on the gas a little bit and back up.
Chase: Start turning the wheel to the right.

I start turning the wheel to the right, when I get out of the driveway Chase starts telling me what to do next.
Chase: Okay so now you're gonna want to put your foot back on the brake and put the shifting gear into drive then press on the gas but don't put to much pressure on it.
Sydney: Okay. Can we just go around the block? This is more scarier than I thought it would be.
Chase: Yeah we can do that. So when you get to this stop sign stop the car completely and look left, right then left again and if there's no cars turn on your right turning signal and turn.
Sydney: Okay.

10 minutes go by and I pull back into the driveway, I park the car and take the keys out. Me and Chase get out of the car, we shut the doors and he walks back over to me and hugs me. I hug him back.
Chase: You did so good Syd. I'm proud of you.

I smile, he kisses my forehead and we pull apart. We walk inside and take our shoes off, I hang his keys back up. We walk back to the living room and sit back down on the couch. We continue to watch tv.

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