Chapter 14 - Ron Pops Off

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Harry crammed his glasses onto his face, his vision instantly clearing up. In front of him stood a very upset Ron holding a fistfull of green and black robes that, when Harry glanced to Ron's right, were attached to a disheveled Draco Malfoy.

Malfoy yanked himself from his grasp, giving Ron a look that Harry last saw when Blaise hit on Harry before he knew Draco was in the picture. "Weasley, the fuck do you think you're doing."

Ron rolled his eyes, "Get over yourself Malfoy. The only horseshit here is you so grow up and deal with your feelings like an adult. Now you two are going to sit here until you can figure this out."

He turned towards Harry, who sat on the couch in awe and utter silence. "Harry, as much as it pains me to say this, and believe me, it does, you are so much happier when you're with blondie over here," he jerked a thumb towards Malfoy.

Harry felt Hermione leave his side as she and Ron turned to go. "We'll bring back some muffins for breakfast."

As soon as they stepped through the portrait, the room grew silent enough for Harry to hear Malfoy's breathing from across the room. Who would speak first, Harry wondered. 

Turns out, it was Harry who could no longer stand the deafening silence between them.

"Draco, look..." Malfoy looked about ready to interrupt him, thought better of it, and shut his mouth again. Harry continued, "Draco look. I know things have been weird between us since we separated, but we need to just talk about it and get things out in the open."

This time, Malfoy did interrupt him. "Potter let me get one thing straight. I told you I loved you. I put myself out there. You shot me down. You didn't say anything, and you looked at me like I had three heads. That sent a pretty clear message. I really don't think there's anything left to talk about."

Harry waited until he was sure Malfoy had finished before countering. "That's not fair. I had just woken up from being unconscious and you say you love me? What was I supposed to do? 

Malfoy exploded out of his seat "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO SAY YOU LOVED ME BACK. That's what was supposed to happen, Potter." His platinum blond hair fell in front of his face gently swaying up every time Malfoy let out a heavy breath.

Harry, now also standing, practically shaking with disbelief. "You were the one to tell me how this was in the first place, MALFOY. You told me that you would never feel that way about me because you were just an experiment for me to figure shit out! How was I supposed to know how you felt about me?!"


They stood face to face, shaking with rage and exhilaration. Malfoy put his head in his hand and sighed. "This is not how this was supposed to go."

Harry clapped his hand to his side, "no shit", earning a glare from the Slytherin boy opposite him.

The room was silent again as both boys regained their composure. Harry plopped himself down next to the crimson couch in the common room. "for the record, I do love you." 

Malfoy snorted, though it came out more of a huff through his nose. He slid down next to Harry, not looking at him. "Can I just ask one question?"

Harry nodded.

"Why do you act like everyone in your life is going to leave you the second they get the chance?"

Harry sat, thinking for a minute or two. "My life is filled with people who, whether they chose to or not, leave. I guess I was just waiting for you to do the same."

Malfoy turned towards him, boring his silver-speckled eyes into Harry's emerald green ones. "Get it through that black mop of yours" he lightly shoved Harry's head, "that I am not going to just up and leave. I'm here for the long haul."

Harry felt his cheeks flush red. He looked up into Draco's face and gave him a toothy grin. Malfoy leaned forward, pressing his lips to Harry's as he surrendered into his arms. "I'm sorry", Harry grumbled.

Malfoy laughed into the kiss, "what was that? The chosen one apologizing? For something he did wrong? I must be dreaming".

Harry broke the kiss and grabbed Malfoy's hand, grinning ear to ear. Draco pressed his forehead to Harry's confessing "You know I'm kidding, right? You did nothing wrong..." He sighed "I was being an immature dick, and I'm sorry."

Chuckling, Harry put a hand to his boyfriend's cheek, "I think we both could've handled things better. Plus I just wanted to hear you say that." Draco playfully gasped and stood up, leading Harry out of the common room.

As soon as the portrait door opened and they stepped outside, a hush fell over the crowd of Gryffindors that Ron had apparently been blocking off from entering the room. Ron glanced over at the two holding hands and motioned with his head for the rest of their house to go through the portrait. "Go on you lot. Go ahead in now".

Harry laughed as he and Malfoy made their way through the crowd, disappearing into the sea of red and black robes.




Well damn, guys! It's been a while haha I'd like to say sorry about the long wait...I kind of got into a rut and didn't know where I wanted to take the story but I did ultimately figure it out haha. In the meantime, I started my senior year at my high school and just finished applying to college (which is also why I haven't been writing much). But now that my college applications are in, I'll hopefully be writing a lot more! I hope this was worth the wait and I so appreciate those of you who did wait! More to come soon!

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