Chapter 2 - Attached at the Hip

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Harry and Malfoy had been promptly sent to the Hospital Wing by Professor Snape.

Trying to hobble down the corridors with four legs and practically one body proved damn near impossible so eventually, Malfoy came up with a system that worked for both of them.

"Let's just both step with the outside foot, then the inside foot. Outside. Inside. Got it? I know your house elf-sized brain has a hard time keeping up with these things."

"yeah Malfoy. I got it. Thanks for the help."

Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Let's just get to the Hospital Wing so Madam Pomfrey can detach us and this nightmare can end."

Harry groaned and looked at the ground. He forgot about his glasses, so naturally, they slid off his nose and landed on the floor where they then accidentally stepped on them.

Malfoy smirked "Nice going Potter"

Harry, now without his glasses, had a much more difficult time seeing where they were going. Malfoy made him grab onto his robes so he could lead Harry without them falling over.

They finally reached the Hospital Wing and Madam Pomfrey saw them coming. She had a bed prepared that was big enough to fit both of them. 

Malfoy backed away, pulling Harry with him. "Woah. You can't seriously expect me to share a bed with this oaf."

Harry rolled his eyes. "What. Worried if you spend too much time with me you might fall in love?"

"You wish Potter."

The boys ultimately figured it out and sat down when Madam Pomfrey walked over with two cups holding blue-green liquid. "Drink these and you should be detached."

Harry and Malfoy took their glasses and drank them in one gulp. Looking hesitantly over at each other, Harry took a slow step back, testing Madam Pomfrey's work.

"Thank Merlin" Malfoy let out a breath as their hips pulled away. They got about a foot apart when searing pain ripped through Harry's entire body until black spots began to invade his vision. At that exact moment, an earsplitting sob rang out, and Harry whipped his head around, trying to focus what was left of his vision and found Draco Malfoy lying on the floor, writhing in pain. Acting on instinct alone, Harry forgot his own pain, practically flinging himself to the floor next to Malfoy. As soon as he got within a few inches of him, the pain subsided, leaving both boys panting and confused.

"How interesting." Madam Pomfrey wondered after examining them. "It seems as though you may be physically separated, but a bond created by your combined spell keeps you unable to move a foot from each other."


Harry forced himself to nod in agreement...though a twinge of hurt spread over him. Would that really be so bad?


Hi loves! I promise it will get better! This was mostly to explain what has happened but it will get better next chapter! XOXO        

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