Chapter 9 - Sweet Dreams

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After the whole closet fiasco with Professor McGonagall , Harry had a hard time falling asleep that night. He and Malfoy trudged upstairs, side by side as always (they had become so used to being attached that they never tripped over each other any more). 

Harry undressed as usual and a no more than a foot away, Malfoy did the same. Harry looked over at him in all his shirtless Malfoy glory. He smiled.

Malfoy say him looking and smiled. He was too tired to even say "like what you see Potter" or "lucky you huh Potter". 

They climbed into bed and Malfoy fell asleep instantly. Harry, however, just laid on his back and stared up at the ceiling and counted motorcycles until he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer.


Harry looked up at Malfoy. They were walking up the driveway of Malfoy Manor in silence. Harry stopped walking and looked up at the boy across from him. He bit his lip. "Malfoy, I'm really nervous. What if they don't accept us?"

Malfoy took Harry's hands in his own. "I don't care if they don't accept us. We're together and if they can't handle that, it's their loss."

Harry nodded and they kept walking, hand in hand.

Just as they approached the door, Harry turned to Malfoy. "Listen. I know we're about to tell your entire family about us, but I just want you to know"....he took a deep breath..."I just want you to know that I love you."

Malfoy grinned ear to ear. Instead of replying to Harry, he turned towards the door as it creaked open. Harry looked inside and saw Voldemort's followers, including Bellatrix, Mr. Malfoy, Greyback, and Barty Crouch Jr.

Harry gasped and took a step back. They were no longer on the Manor steps. A branch snapped. They had transported to the Forbidden Forest.

He looked over, expecting to see Malfoy, but realized in horror that Voldemort had taken his place. Harry stumbled backwards, looking around at all the grinning faces. He didn't know what was happening.

Malfoy was standing next to his father, laughing. "Oi Potter. Guess you shoulda been a little more careful before you decided you loved me."

Voldemort raised his wand. His grin widened. "AVADA KEDAVRA" there was a flash of green light and Harry went spinning into the depths of the forest. 


Harry woke up with Malfoy shaking him and yelling his name. "HARRY! HEY wake up!!"

Harry sat up. Malfoy had his eyebrows raised and he was panting with a concerned look on his face.

Harry sat panting for a few moments until his breath evened out. Nodding his head, he just laid back down, pressing his back into Draco's chest as his boyfriend's arms wrapped around him, acting like a security blanket. "It was another nightmare..."

He could feel Draco's eyelashes flutter on the back of his neck "it's okay. I'm here with you. It's over. You're safe".

Harry turned his head, pressing a kiss onto Draco's temple "I feel safe now with you".


Hey, fuckers:) lmao I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long! I've been studying like mad for the past two weeks and have just generally felt very unmotivated. Thank you so much for the reads! What do you think Harry's dream meant?

Also, I think I'm going to start another story so be sure to keep an eye out for that! XOXO

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