Chapter 6 - Everyone's Watching

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They had stopped in The Great Hall during study hall. All of Gryffindor and Slytherin sat and stood inside the hall and when the boys entered, Harry dropped Draco's hand immediately. 

Part of Harry wanted to laugh in relief because he honestly didn't know what to expect when Malfoy dragged him around the castle. "Draco I'm not doing this. People can't know we're together." As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Harry regretted it. "I didn't mean it like that...not together  together...I know how you feel about me- not that I feel any different about know what? let's just go."

Malfoy smirked, though Harry thought he noted a flash of surprise behind it. He looked around, then back at Harry. "Harry" Malfoy took a step closer to him. "Kiss me right here. Right now. In front of everyone."

Harry blushed profusely and looked down at his feet for a moment before making eye contact with Malfoy again. "So that's what you want then? Perfect Harry Potter?  Are you sure?"

Malfoy shook his head, snickering. "Harry" getting a soft chuckle out of the mop-headed Gryffindor who could get quite used to hearing his name come out of the Slytherin's lips. Malfoy continued, "Harry, jesus I can't believe I'm saying this after everything, but yes. I want all of you. Right now. so gimme"

Harry looked around at the students chatting, all completely unaware. 

Malfoy bored his grey eyes into Harry's green, daring him to move. "Malfoy, there's no way I'm getting out of this, is there"

Malfoy laughed. "You're smarter than you look, Harry Potter."

Harry sighed again and eyed the Slytherin opposite him, less than a few inches away. Harry took a hesitant step forward, closing the gap completely. Conversations started to dwindle as people looked up from their food and Harry even thought he heard a few gasps. 
Harry, being a few inches shorter than Malfoy, had to stand on his tiptoes, but he grabbed Malfoy's face in his hands. He nodded. "Let's just do this."

Malfoy had his hands on Harry's hips as their faces mushed together (lmao that's gross sorry yall). Harry kissed his boyfriend, and Malfoy kissed him back.

Harry melted into the kiss, his body curving into it as Malfoy dug his hands into Harry's hair.

People were gasping and pointing at the two, but that wasn't why they stopped.

In the distance, Harry heard footsteps but ignored them until they seemed to be close and they stopped, a few feet away. 

Malfoy broke apart from Harry as he dipped his head to Harry's forehead. Harry was grinning ear to ear. Malfoy laughed out loud. "Now Potter. That wasn't so hard was it."

The only thing Harry could think as he pulled away was "damn well no that wasn't hard at all" as he adjusted his robes (people how much more obvious do I have to make it).

Harry grinned. "I guess not."

A familiar voice turned Harry's grin to a terrified frown.

"What the bloody hell HARRY."


ahhhh!! I had such a good time writing this chapter! I hope you liked it! I guess the cat's out of the bag. Ron gonna be pissed?? XOXO

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