Chapter 12 - Cleansweep 7

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Two weeks had passed since they drank the potions. Although Harry felt fairly confident he knew where Draco was hiding, the note he got from Crabbe made it clear that Draco had no interest in seeing him.

He had tried finding a way to talk to him the night after the separation but found his trunk sitting outside the door to their shared room when he went looking for Malfoy.

So, to keep himself busy enough that he wouldn't notice the gaping hole the Slytherin left in his life, Harry spent his days going to class and training for quidditch incessantly. The only response he gave Ron and Hermione when they questioned him about his behavior was that Gryffindor had a big match with Ravenclaw the following week and Harry wanted to be prepared.

He barely spent any time in the common room anymore, and Ron and Hermione only saw him in class. The rest of the time Harry took his meals in his room and spoke to the least amount of people possible. The only one who really got anything out of him was Luna. She would sit in the empty quidditch pitch stands while Harry zoomed around during his own private practice, not making a word. When Harry was done flying he would trudge back  up to the castle while Luna politely strolled next to him, talking to him about the various forest animals she had visited that day with Hagrid.

Long story short, Harry was miserable. He had gotten so used to having someone by his side at all times that now he just felt so alone and isolated, even with dozens of people around him.

Occasionally he would wander the castle during his free period and find himself at the doors to the Room of Requirement. Never had he mustered up the courage to go in, though. Harry knew what (or who) lay on the other side of that door and ever since Harry's stupid mouth didn't say "I love you" back, Draco wanted nothing to do with him. So, every time, Harry simply turned on his heel and wandered back to the common room.




Two months since the Gryffindor - Ravenclaw match (Gryffindor won by a landslide), no word from Malfoy. Every so often Luna would tell him about the plate of food she saw a house elf drop off next to the door of the Room of Requirement, but even she hadn't seen him Malfoy in weeks.

It was a Tuesday. A rainy day. Harry's favorite kind of rain, though. The weather warmed the rain as it fell and it was more of a mist than a heavy downpour. Harry was outside, as usual, walking down to the quidditch pitch. Luna was helping the house-elves this morning so Harry was alone.

Muttering to himself, Harry dropped all of his stuff at the base of the far right goal. As he mounted his broomstick, Harry didn't notice the blond boy flying in slow loops on the opposite end of the quidditch pitch. He didn't notice the boy look up every once in a while as Harry threw golf balls for himself to catch over and over again.

At one point, Harry got a bit frustrated and threw the ball a bit too far. He swore rather loudly and raced after it. So focused on the ball itself, Harry managed not to notice the blond boy until he very nearly collided head on with him. Harry was about to tell the little git to shove off when he whirled around in the air and realized who he almost crashed into.

Gripping his broom, none other than Draco Malfoy peered over at him. He hovered about five feet away on a school broom and his head was slightly bowed to show his massively unkempt hair, which had grown a considerable amount, considering it had only been two months since Harry had last seen him.

Harry, in complete shock, took one look at Malfoy and nearly fell off his broom.

"Harry" Malfoy said in a voice that could only be described as a hallowed whisper, "we need to talk"


Hello to everyone who has actually kept reading! lol I know it's actually been months since I published but my life has been so crazy lately so I'm just getting back to it now but I hope you all enjoy:)

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