Chapter 19 - Distraction

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The entire castle grounds seemed to be soaked in Springtime dew and cherry blossom pedals as Harry strolled to breakfast. He and Draco had a relaxing rest of their Christmas break and now began to look forward to Spring festivities, especially the Spring Formal following N.E.W.T.s.

Turning into the great hall, Harry wandered over to the Gryffindor table, where Draco, Ron, Hermione, Pansy,  Blaise, Neville, and the other table-usual's sat chatting over a platter of toast and eggs. As Harry approached, Draco and Ron scooched apart to make room for him between them. Despite Harry's arrival, they didn't stop their intense conversation, debating which which chaser Ravenclaw should play if they had any chance of making it to the cup this year.

Peering down the table, Harry smiled at Hermione, who's face flushed an even deeper shade of scarlet than he knew was possible for her. She turned back to continue chatting with Pansy, though she now stumbled over her words, which was very odd for her; Harry made a mental note to check in with her after breakfast.

"Harry, your boyfriend doesn't know a bloody thing about quidditch" Ron nudged him in the ribs, drawing Harry back to the conversation in front of him. Draco chuckled and planted a kiss on Harry's cheek, "Darling, your best friend here doesn't know a bLoOdY tHiNg about what makes a good chaser".

Harry laughed as he spread marmalade on his toast.

"The day you two agree on anything quidditch is the day I start fancying Blaise", Harry joked.

Before Draco could poke Harry in the ribs with his fork, Hermione started choking on her water, causing the entire group to look up from their conversation.

"You okay, 'mione?", Pansy reached over to pat her shoulder concerningly. This only deepened Hermione's blush. She gathered herself quickly and began playing with locks of her hair, a habit Harry noticed worsen when she was nervous. Just before people started to return to their conversations, Hermione whisper-shouted "speaking of the gays- I mean speaking of Blaise" her blush deepened and Blaise did not look amused. She glanced over at Pansy through her hair and mumbled something in-coherent.

"what was that, Hermione?"

She huffed and looked up at the whole table; "I...wanted to you all at some point"

Ron chuckled "well that's specific, thanks. We want to talk to you too Hermione. That's why we're friends."

Hermione shot him a look fierce enough to make any first-year pee themselves on the spot, which has happened on multiple occasions.

She continued, "what I was saying, was that I've had the opportunity to do some thinking over break, and I feel that you all should know...that...well that I-" she took a deep breath and unexpectedly blurted out "I FANCY WOMEN"

A silence Harry had not experienced since his journey through Kings Cross during the Great War befell the table. Hermione was practically clawing at her hair now and Harry sat, dumbfounded at her news. After what he was sure felt like an eternity for Hermione, the table erupted in cheers and congratulations!!! Pansy, grinning ear-to-ear, squeezed her hand in congratulations and blushed ever so slightly. Blaise jumped from his spot and launched his arms around Hermione and Harry was clapping while Draco grinned stupidly and told Hemione profusely how proud he was of her.

Hermione began to sink into her seat a little, not used to all the attention and noise from the group. She was grinning, nonetheless and when things began to calm down again, she spoke.

"I've wanted to tell you guys for a while now but couldn't for the life of me figure out how to say it". She looked over at Pansy, who was deep in thought, though still grinning. Eventually, Pansy peered up at Hermione and took her other hand in her own, now holding both hands over the table.

She laughed to herself, "Hermione, will you go to Spring Formal with me?" She was cool, collected, and a little cocky, from what Harry could tell. "I've fancied you for the better part of six years and nothing would make me happier than to show everyone up because I have you as my date".

Hermione seemed in complete shock. Her face lit up, though, and she nodded "I would love to accompany you to Formal, Pansy".

And with that, the table erupted in cheers again as the both of them blushed heavily and grinned at each other.


Hi sexies... So I fully thought I posted this two weeks ago but that just didn't actually happen so here it is now. As I always say bc my updates are wildly inconsistent, it's been a while... The tea that I had in my last post is kind of a lot, so let me just explain real quick. This chapter was a nice little distraction (hence the chapter title), from the usual plot, and that's because I wanted to write my own experience into my book. Over quarantine in the fall, I figured out that I'm gay and I "fancy" women haha. I also like men (I'm bi obv) but I came out to all my friends and it went a lot like this chapter (except I didn't have a dance or anything that's all for Miss Hermione;). I do still have a boyfriend that I love so much and he's so supportive, which has been a privilege and amazing:) I've been trying to figure out if I want to tell this community of people bc ya'll are a bunch of strangers but if that doesn't sum up gen Z culture idk what does lmao and I feel like so many of you are my family too. So, now that I know I'm gay, this story is about to get a whole lot gayer lol. And I will do my very best to update more frequently now that I have a revised plan for the rest of this story (maybe eventually I'll release what the original plan was if ppl want that). Finally, I'm so fucking happy we voted out the last administration and PLEASE IF YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THE VACCINE, GET IT!!! We need everyone we can get and now that I've gotten both doses, if anyone has any questions, PLEASE feel free to reach out and I will do my best to answer them!!! Love you all <3

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