Chapter 22. (The END)

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I woke up with the light shining through my window. Tonight was the premier. We had fitted and adjusted the outfits for everyone and everything was perfect. Lucy adn i were going to the store today to get dresses and matching heels. I rolled over and buried my face into the pillow. "SHIANA!"Lucy yelled as she jumped onto my bed, landing on me.

"AHH! LUCY!"I laughed."Get up! We gotta go shopping!"she said as she pushed on ym arm.

"Lucy your like a little kid!And I'm up.Now."I said as I hopped up. Lucy sprang up after me and jumped on my back.

"AHH!"we screamed as we both fell, me breaking her fall."Yeah, i kinda had choclate milk in my cereal this morning."Lucy said like a five year old.

"Thats gross Luc. And can you please get off of me. If you want to go shopping, I need a shower."I giggled.


After the shower and i was dressed, I texted Niall and asked if he wanted to go with us.  He texted back saying the guys needed to go shopping so we decided to go together."So where first?"I asked.

"OVER THERE!"Lucy said as she pointed. I followed her finger and saw a dress shop.We all walked over and I could tell the guys were dreading it. Lucy and I hooked our arms together and walked toward the store. 'What about that one?"I asked as I pointed to a  white gown."Nah."

I was wondering around looking at dresses, when NIall came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist."Hey Babe."I smiled.

"Hey."he said as he set his chin on my shoulder."Why do you need a new dress? You look perfect in what ever you wear."he whispered.

"Because, you have to wear dresses to this thing. trust me, I would rather wear a pair of jeans and a tank, but sadly I cant. But at least you get to help pick one out. "I leaned back against him.

Nialll tightened his grip on my and I could tell he was happy.

"Hey Sha. What about this one?"Lucy said as she came around the rack wiht a red dress, It was short in the front and longer in the back. I could tell it was strapless. "GO try it on Chicka!"I smiled.

"I will, but you have to try this one on."She smiled as she moved a stunning white gress with black lace in front of me.I nodded then giggled. We ran over to the changing room.

Niall went and got the guys. Lucy and I changed quickly and we decided to walk out together. My hair was in its natural curls, so it looked even better."Ready?"I said over the changeing room wall.

"YEP!"she said excitedly. We walked out and they guy's mouth's dropped.

"What do you think?"I asked as I truned for them to see the whole dress.I fell in love the second I slipped it on over my strappless bra.  Lucy walked over and grabbed a pair of black heels and a pair of sliver sparkly heels. I kicked off my TOMS and slipped the heels on.   I looked  over at Luc and she ws stunning.

I had just noticed a group of guys were walking past when one wiht dark brown hair noticed Lucy and I and made them stop.  I nudged Lucy and nodded toward the six guys looking at us. We waved and motioned to our dresses asking' How do I look?'. Their eyes all got bigg and the walked into the store. "We will be right back."Lucy said. She grabbed my wrist and we walked over to the guys."Woah."The shorter one said.

"Well, what do you think?"she asked. Speechless.

"Hey, guys, I think i'm onna get this dress."I called to the band.

"You two look amazing."the blonde one said as he eyed us.

"I'm Justin."the black haird one said.

"Cool. I have a friend named Justin."I smiled.

"Hes lucky to have such a hot friend."the other brunette said.

"Watch it."Harry said as the band came up.

'And who are you?"the blond one, whose name was Aaron, asked.

"Her brother."Harry said coldly.

"Wait, aren't you Shane Aderson? The fashion designer?"the red head asked.

"Shaina. And yes I am."

"My sister loves your styles. Is it ok if I get your autograph for her. She would really love it."he asked.

I nodded and signed a random sheet of paper. "Thanks."he said and walked off.

"OMG I love this song!"Lucy suddenly yelled as Bad by Tha Cab came on.

Lucy started dancing like crazy and singing along. I laughed and joined in. I noticed the guys had left and now it was only us.

 After the song, we were laughing like crazy. "We really should go pay for these.I checked the price."Holy shiz! Thats a lot."I yelled.

I grabbed credit card out of my wallet and Lucy does the same.  We slipped back into our clothes and went to go pay for out dresses and shoes. WE went to Tiffany's next. I found a double Infinity necklace and braclete. we got back to the hotell and went back to our rooms.


"Channing! Is it true you and Jenna had your outfits made by 18 year old Shaina Anderson?"

"Tyler! Is it true you and Crystal are dating?"

"Alexander! Over here!"

Paps were every where. Lights were flashing. We were in the limo for the preimier."Ready?"i said. They all nodded.

We all got out.

"Shane! Shane!Can we get a picture?"One yelled.

I smiled and did a Megan Fox pose.

Speaking of celebrities, I saw Selena and Justin.

"Hey Selena. Justin."I said as I walked up.

"Shaina! Thank you so much for having Kellan make my dress. Its perfect!"she said as she hugged me. I got a hug from justin, and shockingly his kissed my cheek, which made me blush.

"Hey Sha."Lucy said as she came up beside us."Hey Luc.This is Selena and Justin."I said.

She was speechless,and starstruck.

Selena laughed and Justin chuckled.

We went into the theater and sat down.


A day later.

"I want Ice Cream!"I yelled. "Well theres a shoppe down the road."Harry said from our couch.

We were back in London. We went swimming at the beach, but tnow I wanted food.

"I'll take you."Niall said.I smiled and grabbed my jacket. I still was wearing my bikini top so I put my hoodie on over it.

It was about an hour after when we got home. I opened the flat door and gasped.


THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A/N Thats the end! I really want to cry right now! Thank you for all your support with this! Book two is in the works and I will let you know when its up. I know not a lot of detail but that will clear up with chapter 1 of book 2.  Spoiler:Shaina leaves.

Sorry! I love you guys and thank you. It means the world to me. Hopefully you didnt get to bored with this book and I garenttee the next book is gonna be great! 

Book two is going to be called................. A SONG OF FINDING YOU...................

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