Chapter 10 *Edited*

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Shane's POV

I said bye to Lucy and walked into the flat. I changed into some sweats and a sweatshirt. I pulled my hair up and slipped on my slipper-boots.

I flung myself onto the couch and turned on the TV. Luckily Pretty Little Liars was on. I missed Tuesdays episode. I watched as Aria and Wes made Ezra a birthday surprise. I got my laptop out and was checking Facebook and Twitter. After I checked everything I started to drift off to sleep.

 I was almost asleep when the door opened and here goes the yelling. "Shane! What the fucking hell?"Harry yelled. "I say you can't hang out with one guy so you decide to hang out with two of them?"

 "God Harry! I'm a teenager. I'm allowed to have fun.  They were my friends. I can hang out with friends."I snap back.

"How many times do I have to say it? I want to know where you go. I don't want you getting hurt." he said.

"I've already been hurt and there is nothing that you can ever do to make it better."I said.

I looked over to Louis who gave me a small nod.I knew what it meant.

"How have you been hurt?"Harry asked.

"I was abused for five fucking years. Is that what you wanted to hear?"I yelled. "For five fucking years, I got hit, kicked, and  beat.  All by one person .And who was there to help me? Kai. Hes the one person I trust most! And I can't even talk to him. Kai found he one day in the rain after a beating. I was bloody and broken. He helped me. And when I was fifteen. God, you don't even want to know what happened." I said.

I got up and moved to the window...

"What happened." Harry asked.

I went to my room and pulled on a pair of my shorts that showed my scars. I went back out there.

"This is what happened to me Harry. I was shot. Twice.... Are you happy now? Are you happy that you know my deepest, darkest secret?" I yelled. I slipped on my shoes and ran out the door.

"SHANE!"Harry yelled.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!"I yelled.

 I ran to the one person that always helps me. No, not Kai. Anna. She knows too.

I ran down the street in the rain, letting it mix with my tears.I cussed under my breath. Hatting my life at the moment. I would talk to Lucy, but she didn't know. Kai was always there, but there were times that I just needed Anna.

"Excuse me, What room is Jacob Michaelson in?"I asked the lady at the desk.

"Umm... Room 230.Floor 16."she said.

I thanked her and headed toward the elevator. I clicked the 16 button and waited. The elevator moved slowly and I was about to rip that freaking music out of the speaker. Once I was at floor 16 I quickly moved to room 230.

I knocked and Jacob answered. "Shane? Ohmigosh get in here." he said pulling me inside.

"SHANE!" Anna said. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped me in it.

"I told him." I said.

"Told who what?" she asked.

"I told Harry about him." I said.She gasped and hugged me.

"Come with me, You can wear some of my clothes, your'e soaking wet."she said. We walked into her room and she quickly handed me a pair of sweats and a tee.

"Thanks An." I said. She hugged me.

"I love you Sha." she said.

"Love you too.Thank you.."

"Don't thank me. You know i'd do anything for you."she said.

 I texted Lou and told him where I was. I got dressed and went out and saw Jacob and Anna watching a movie.

"Come here Babes." she said patting the seat next to her. I walked over and she 'cuddled' with me like she usually does when i'm like this.

 I fell asleep on their couch and dreamed of him. What he did. How he laughed at it. How my mum never even thought of this. I hated her for all those years. But once she got rid of him everything went back to the way it was.

Harry's POV

"SHANE!"I called after her.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!"She yelled. I stopped running and let her leave.I knew she could take care of herself, but I wanted to be there for her. She still doesn't know. I guess her mum never told her. I want to, but i don't know how.

I walked back to my flat and shut the door.

"Well, where is she?" Louis asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"How can you not know?" he asked.

"I had to let her leave and do what she needed to do. I know she can take care of her self, no matter how much I want to get the police and have them look for her."I said.

"Why are you so protective of her? "he asked.

"If I tell you, will you tell her?" I questioned.

"I won't."he said.

"I'm her brother."I said.

Louis dropped his carrot. "What?"

"I'm her brother. I'm older by a month.Different Mother same dad."I said.

"That's why you don't want her hanging out with any guys. You don't want some jerk breaking her heart and you don't want her getting lost or hurt."

I nodded.

"Did you know about her past?"he asked.

"I had no idea."I said.

"I knew. I saw the scars when we went swimming. She broke down and told me everything. I promised not to tell." he said.

"I feel like a freaking idiot." I said falling on the couch.

"I honestly think you should lay off her for a while. Let her hang out with Kai and that other kid. I'm pretty sure they won't hurt her." Louis suggested.

"I don't know if I can. Since I can't really protect Gemma anymore, I want to do as much as I can with Shane. " I said running my fingers through my hair in frustration.

Louis phone went off and he read the text. "Shane is staying at Anna's tonight."

I sighed. I started to pace back and forth. I really didn't mean to upset Shane like that, just seeing  the guy with his arm over her shoulders mad me mad. I need to tell her that I'm her brother.

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