Chapter 3*Edited*

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 "Shane, Shane wake up!" Harry said, trying to get me up.

"No mum. Just five more minutes." I mumbled.

"I'm not your mum, We're in London." he said.

I finally got out of the car and grabbed my back. I was quiet all the way to the flat.

We came to a door and we heard a big crash.

Harry quickly took out his key and opened the door. We walked in and saw a girl and a boy covered in flour and pans all over the floor.

"LOUIS!" Harry said.

The boy looked up with an innocent smile on his face.

"Hazza!" he screamed and tackled Harry.

I was majorly confused.

The girl got up and smiled at me.

"Hi. I'm Eleanor." she said in a bubbly way.

"Shane."I replied.

"So are you Harry's girlfriend? He always brings random girls here." she said.

"I'm not  Harry's girlfriend. I just met him about eight hours ago." I said.

"Wow Harry. Moving a little fast there aren't ya?" Louis asked.

"Lou, she's the girl who is going  to be  living with us. The one who's mum went on the  trip for work." Harry said.

"Oh..." Eleanor and Louis said together.

"Well, let me show you to your room." Harry said.

He took my bag and went up stairs. I followed.

"This is your room. Mines across the hall. Louis's room  is next door." he said.

"Thanks Harry." I said.

"No Problem." he said with a smile.

I loved his smile. My phone started playing  Let me Love you by Mario.

I dug through my purse and found my IPhone. It was Kai.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Shane." he said.

"Whats up Kai?" I asked.

"You said you would text me when you got to London." he said.

"I'm so sorry Kai!  I tottaly forgot! How's everything there?" I asked.

"Boring now that you're gone." he said.

I smiled. "I'm only four hours away."

"And how is that a good thing?"he asked.

"Good point. There isn't a good thing about that." I muttered.

I heard him chhuckled over the phone.

The Harry burst through the door.

"HIDE ME!" he yelled.

He ran to my closet and slipped in side.

"What the hell Harry?" I asked.

Then I leard it.


I heard foot steps and then Louis stormed in my room.

"Have you seem Styles?" he asked.

"Nope." I said.

He slammed the door behind him.

"Hold on Kai. I really need to figure out what just happened. I'll call  you later." I said.

After I hung up, Harry came out of the closet.

"What the hell Styles?" I asked.

"I hid all of Lou's carrots." he said.

"Harry! You know he loves his carrots!" I said smacking him on his arm.

"How do you know he likes Carrots?" he asked.

I looked down blushing.

"I'm a directioner. Always have been. I was freaking out when I saw you in my kitchen this morning. I'm still freaking out.  Louis loves carrots and has a pigeon named Kevin. You like to be naked and like cats. Niall loved food and Zayn loves looking in the mirror. Liam is daddy direction. He takes care of you guys." I said.

His jaw dropped.

"What else do you know about us?" he asked.

"You don't want to know. Me and my friend ended stalking you guys one night. She is a way bigger directioner than me." I said

He laughed.

Then my laptop rang. A Skype request from Anna.

"I'm warning you. This is my overly obsessed friend." I told harry.

I clicked accept and Anna appeared.


"Slow down An. Tell me what I did wrong." I said.

"Kai just called me and said you moved to London with some guy named Harry. He's really upset about it. " she said, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It was a last minute thing. Mum had a trip for work so she called a friend of hers and now I live with his son Harry."I said.

"Can I see him?"she asked.

I turned off my volume off and told Harry to scoot closer to me. And thank god for a volume button. She screamed.

Once she was done I turned it back on.


"Anna, calm down.Yes, I'm staying with this Harry. And Louis." I said.

"AND LOUIS! CAN I TALK TO HIM?!" she asked.

"Not now. He's mad  at Harry. He took his carrots." I said.

"Why did you take poor Lou's carrots?" she asked.

"I was bored."he replied.

And she screamed again.

"Harry Styles just talked to me!" she squealed.

Harry's phone went off and he looked at his phone.

"Sorry, love. I gotta go. Niall needs more food in his flat. We never let him shop alone for food." he said.

He walked out the door and I continued my chat with Anna.

"Guess what." she smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"Jacob and I are moving to LONDON!" she squealed. I joined her with one of my own.

"When?"I asked.


"How come I wasn't aware of this? If I hadn't come with Harry to London, you would have left me and Kai." 

"I wasn't going to tell you until tomorrow." she looked down.

I talked with Anna some more before I went to the living room.

I saw a guitar in the corner and picked it up.

I grabbed a blanket and sat down on the floor with my back against the couch.

I started to play So Sick by Ne-Yo(Song on the side!). I began singing along with my Ipod that I had going while I played.

Once I was done I heard clapping.

Can we make this work?(One Direction Fan fic.)(Book 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now