Chapter 20

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I opened my eyes to the dark London sky. Raining, again. I sighed, then remembered where I was. I smiled then turned over. I saw Niall. His blonde hair messy from the night. No, we didn't do anything if thats what you all are wondering. No, don't deny it. I know you were.  I grabbed my phone that I left here and tunred it on. Sixteen new Voicemails and seventeen new texts.

"Hey Sha! Its Kellan. Just wanted to remind you of L.A. today! Can't wait to see you."Kellans voice said happily over the phone. I looked at the time and sprang up.

"Niall! Get up! We're gonna be late!"I screamed . Luckly, he was up when I yelled Niall.

I opened his drawer and started throwing his polos and chino's on the bed.

"Go take a shower and pack while I get the others ready and shower."I said as I grabbed my phone and bolted out of his flat and over to mine.

"Shaina, where the hell have you been?"Harry yelled.

"Are you guys packed?"I ask.

"Yes. I read all of the information and Made the rest of guys pack. Now go shower. I got your back."Louis said. I sighed and hugged him then ran to the shower.


I ran to my room after the shower and saw that my suit that I have to wear(that matches Kellan's) was hanging up, all clean and pressed.

"Thank you Louis!"I yelled. I heard a welcome and smiled. I quickly slipped on my skirt and my white blouse, then placed my black  blazer over that. I ran back to the bathroom and did my hair. I applied my minimal makeup and then grabbed my heels and walked out to the main room.

"Woah."The five boys chorused.

I nodded a thanks and slipped my heels on.

There was a knock on the door, then Kellan let him self in. We had been coming up wiht designs for the stars we were making the clothes for.

"Hey Kell. Can you get in my back and get out my sketches?"I asked.

He nodded and went to my bag. He handed my the four sketches and we sat down.

"Want a first look at the outfits?"

I grabbed out Alexanders,Channing's, and Tyler's outfits.

 After the guys gawked at the sketches we left for the airport. The company that we work for  has a private jet , so we got to ride that. I pulled some strings, and got the guys and Lucy able to go. We all got our own room, but Lucy adn I decided to share one.  "But Zayn!!!!"Niall whined.

"Niall, there will be food at the hotel! SHUT UP!"Zayn replied irritated.

"Shaina! DO something! Make us stop so we can eat!"Niall whined as he tugged on my sleeve like a little kid.

"Ni, we're almost to the hotel. I already called and made sure there was food in your room."I said as I ran my fingers through his hair.

He pouted and turned away.

"Ok, we have a meeting with Alexander and Tyler at four, and then a meeting wiht Selena at seven. Then tomorrow we have a meeting with CHanning and Jenna."our boss, Emmalee said as she scrolled on her IPad.

"Is it ok if We have them meet at the hotel?"I ask.

"Sure, I'll let their managers know."she smiled and tapped away.

"So we're back in L.A. Weird, huh Sha."Kellan said as we looked out the window.

"Tell me about it. Last time we were hear the thing happened."I said quietly.

Can we make this work?(One Direction Fan fic.)(Book 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now