Chapter 19

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"Zayn? What are you doing here? Is Harry here?"I asked as Panic rose.

"What am I doing here?What are you doing here? You are supossed to be at home, grounded."Zayn replied,"And NO. Harry is not here. Just Niall and I. I saw you leave this morning so I followed you. And I watched you sing."His serious face turned into his smirk.

"So, are you gonna rat me out to big brother?"I asked.

"Why would I?"

'Well, I'm grounded and I'm not suposed to leave the flat. And your older than me so technaclly, you can bust me. So, go ahead, and call Harry.Because right now I'm to happy to care."I smirked and started to walk towards Zayn, but Kai grabbed my wrist.

"DOn't you dare touch her."An Irish voice ran through the hall.Kai let go and turned around.

"So I can't even say hi to my friend?"Kai said inoccently.

"No, you can't."

"Zayn?"Niall asked when he saw the boy. Zayn gave a half wave and walked up to my side.

"I can talk with Shaina if I want to.Shes my best friend and I don't give a shit about what you say."Kai said as he took a step towards Niall.

 "Kai."I warned."Relax, Love. Hes not gonna hurt me."Kai smirked.

I looked at NIall, who had hatred in his eyes. His sparkling blue eyes were a deep blue.

I looked back and forth from Kai to Niall. I knew one of them were gonna lundge.

"I have a very bad feeling about this."Zayn whispered into my ear.I nodded in agreement.

"Shania?"Anna said as she came up besides us."Anna, go get Jacob and Luke. And maybe Kyle or Mason. This doesn't look good."I said.Anna nodded and then ran towards the gym.

"I told you at the hospital, I want you no where near Shaina. Not while I'm here."Niall sneered.

"And what are you going to do about, leprecaun?"Kai smirked then sneered.

"You did not just call him leprecaun?"Zayn said.

"Kai, just drop it ok?I'm not your best freind anymore. I haven't been for months. And its not just because of the move to London. Its because of that slut you call a girlfriend."I said as I stepped inbetween the two guys.

"You really think that I care about her? Hell no! She wanted me so I went along with it. Its not like I was stupid. I knew what I was doing."

"Oh yeah? Well it sure didn't look like that when she was getting all cozy with my boyfriend?"I sneered.

"So did you sleep with her?"Anna asked as she walked up with the guys.

"Thats none of your buisness."Kai replied.

"Well, its mine. You told me everything. Kai, I wish we were close like we were. Now, I really don't know what to think."I said. I took a step back then turned to walk to Niall.

"Look,"Kai started to say as he grabbed my wrist.

That made me snapp.

A year before my mum met the step dad, she dated this guy who was in the military. He taught me how to fight. That was another secret. I can fight. really, really good.

I grabbed Kais wrist and flipped him over my shoulder. I  got him pinned to the ground on his stomach then I had one of his arms in the air backwards and I had his hair in my other.

"Never grab me like that. Never!"I said.I heard him make a soft wimper. Pathetic.

"Anyone else have antyhing to say about this?"I asked as I looked around.

They all shook their heads no.I huffed and got off Kai.

"So I guess we go home?"I ask.

"Yeah, we should get going."Zayn said as he looked at Kai. Like I said, Pathetic.I hugged my friends then took Niall's hand as we walked out.

"So why did you follow me?"I asked.

"Because I wanted to know what you were doing. Then when I saw the train, I didn't want you two doing anything stupid."Zayn shrugged.

I play gasped and his his arm."Like I would do anythig that stupid."

He rolled his eyes and kept walking. Niall and I let him walk ahead so we were alone a little .

"Sowhere did you learn to do that?"he asked.

"When I was nine, my mum dated a guy in the military and he taught me how to fight. I can do a whole hell of a lot worse than what I did to Kai.He erks me.I still can't believe him."I huffed. I'm guessing Niall felt my pain and what I was feeling because he told Zayn that we'd meet up with him. He pulled me over to a clear patch of grass and he sat down and patted the spot next to him. I sighed and sat down. He pulled my legs so they were resting over his.

"I can understand why you feel the way you do. He hurt you, and as your best friend, it hurts even worse. I went through the exact same thing back in Mullingar.With this girl names Samantha. She was my best friend. We did everyhting together. If either one of us had a problem, we went to eachother.Then when I auditioned for the X Factor and went to bootcamp, we lost touch, but not completley. We talked once and a while, and soon we didn't talk at all. I still considered her my best friend.When I went back to Mullingar, After I went home, I went over to her house. Excpecting her to be really happy when she saw me. I knocked on her front door, a guy opened. It was my best guy friend, David.He was shirtless, so of course I was thinking what the hell. The she came down the stairs in a robe. And nothing else that i could see. I felt my cheeks get red and tears in my eyes. She said Niall, then I ran. I ended up in the woods behind my house and in the tree house her dad made for us. I sat and cried. And at that moment, I knew I loved her. She had told me before that she loved me, and I told her I loved her as well, but I ment it in a friendly way. But at that particular moment, I loved her way more than I thought I did. And it crushed me. It took its toll for weeks and maybe months. But I finally realized that if she truly loved me, she wouldn't have slept with my best friend. She would have waited for me to get back. But then I thought that because of this, I would have never been through what I have, and it all lead to the greatest thing ever. It lead me to you. If I never went through that, and she did wait for me, I would have probably went through it anyways because she ended us breaking his heart for his best friend. Now I realize that she wasn't that great to date. Just a good friend. So just think about that. Know that Kai wasn't the one you were ment to be with, and with your Mum in Milan, you would have never of met me. And then we would have never met and never have gotten together. And we probably wouldn't be as happy as we are right now."He said. He gently pushed a piece of my hair out of my eyes and tucked it behind my ear.

I scooted closer to him and placed my forehead on his. His hand rested on my neck."You do know how much I love you, right?"I whispered.He smiled and placed a simple kiss, not to hard, but not to sofft, on my lips.

"C'mon. We need to catch up with Zayn at the station. We don't want to miss it. And we can sleep on the way there. And since it'll be like eleven at night, you can crash at my flat and go home tomorrow."Niall said. He set my legs down and stood up. I held my hands out  and he pulled me up. I slung his arm around me and pulled me into him.

He kissed my forehead and we walked off towards the station.

Can we make this work?(One Direction Fan fic.)(Book 1)(Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon