Chapter 6 *Edited*

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"Shh!" someone hushed.

"Harry! You just stepped on me." an Irish accent whispered.

"Sorry." A voice, which I'm assuming it was Harry, said. I heard shuffiling and felt someone beside me. I swung my fist out and made contact with someone. Then I did the same thing with my leg and kicked someone.

I opened my eyes and saw Harry laying on the ground holding his 'area' and NIiall holding his stomach.

"I told you to be quiet!" Zayn said.

I looked around and saw everyone but Louis.

"Hey where's Louis?"I  asked.I shouldn't of said that.

"SUPERMANNN!" Louis screamed as he jumped on my bed, and landed on me.

"God Lou! What do you eat?!?" I asked, taking as much air as I could.

"MORNING SHANIE!" he yelled.

"Shut up!" I groaned. "What time is it?"

"Eight in the morning." Liam said.

"UGG!" I groaned and stuffed a pillow over my face.

"We got you breakfeast." Harry said.

I got Louis off of me and streched.

"Ok I'll be down in 15." I said.  I got the guys out of my room and I grabbed some things and went to take a shower.

 After I was clean, I put on my ripped skinny jeans, vintage british flag top that went off the shoulder. I slipped on my white TOMS and walked down stairs. I smelt bacon and eggs. I sat down and Niall handed me a plate that was piled up with food. Zayn set a cup of tea down next to me.

"Thank you!" I said taking a bite of bacon.

"So We were wondering if we could show you aorund London?" Liam asked.

"Sure." I said.

"OK be ready in an hour." Liam said. I nodded.

An hour later I was at the front door and so were the guys.

I got a text from Anna saying that she was almost to London.

"We're meeting some of our freinds at the London Eye." Harry said.

We got into the van and the ride was silent.

This isn't the comfortable scilent that most people like, this was pure akward scilence. After a short, but tedious drive, we finally arrived to the London Eye.

"FINALLY!" I yelled as I jumped out of the car.

I heard the boys chuckle at my excitment. I was just happy to be our of there.

 "So have you ever been to London before?" Niall asked.

"Once, but I was really little. Mum had a trip and back then I went with her." I replied.

"So who are we meeting again?" I asked.

 "Just some friends." Harry said.

We walked up to the London Eye and some people waved us over.

"Luc!Michael!" Liam said as he hugged the girl and guy.

"Um.. Whose she?" the girl asked.

"Lucy, this is Shane Anderson. Shes staying with me and Lou for the next two years!" Harry said, putting his arm around my shoulder. I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I shoved his arm off me.

Can we make this work?(One Direction Fan fic.)(Book 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now