"Relax man. It took a week to caution them how to behave around her. It's going to be alright. "

Areef just nodded, his heart squeezing. He's afraid he might never forgive himself if Airah doesn't get her memories back and if it turns out he's the reason behind it. No matter the bad memories of him she has he knows her losing them is worse.

"Earth to Areef!" Kabeer snapped his fingers in his line of vision.

"Where to? " Kabeer asked.

Airah's.  Areef wanted to say but he just couldn't.

"The company. " he said instead.



"Okay kids what did I say about anty A? "

"Mee, mummy! " Fadeelah said raising her hands.

Deedee nodded at her.

"Anty A is a bit shick and the doctor shaid she should not be disturbed!"

"Exactly princess. So no talking too much and disturbing anty A If not she will receive injections, and we don't want that to happen right? "

"We don't mummy!" they all chorused.

"And no shouting too. If any of you disturbs her she won't get better to take you for outing again. So behave okay. "

They nodded this time around.

Deedee gave them an approving smile as she sighed to herself.

"Okay out we go."

The jumped out the car and headed for the front door with Deedee trailing behind them.

Aunty Safiyyah heard knocks and went to attend to the door.

"Oyoyo big Aunty!!!" They exclaimed hugging her as soon as she opened the door.

"Oyoyo babies!" She hugged them back.

"How are you all doing?  How's school?"

"Fine big Aunty!" they chorused.

They exchanged greetings with Deedee.  Before Deedee could come in they were already In the living room.

"Big aunty, where's Anty A? " Fadeel asked looking around.

Ummee descended the stairs and they rushed to her.  Saying Oyoyo.

Deedee greated Ummee and asked about Airah's health.

"She's much better Khadijah. Come on right up. "

The kids trailed after them. Trying to control their eagerness remembering their mother's warning.

"Assalamu alaikum. " Deedee salamed.

Before Airah could answer she heard tinier voices saying Salam. Looking at the door she saw Deedee, and 3 kids trailing after her. She smiled instantly. Deedee had been telling her about then almost everyday promising to bring them. She was glad she finally did.

"Anty A!!" they said in unison making Airah's smile disappear quicker than it has appeared.  Her head gave a bang as if a neuron has received more impulse than it can handle.

Reading Airah's expression Deedee quickly dragged the kids back. But Fadeelah was already at Airah's side.

Airah's head kept pounding. The name they called her kept echoing in her head. It was as if all the moments she was called that was recorded and played back in a loop I her head.

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