Band together

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Izuku pov
We run for about 10 minutes before we started to slow down and take a breather for a bit before running again "Izuku what's happening...I mean like why are we having pains at the same you think it's happening to Kurutta and Shai to" I turn around to see Tanoshi sitting on the ground so I join him.

We stay like that for a minute before I spoke up "I think something is wrong and I'm scared but at least we're not alone Kirutta has Shai and you have me" he smiles at what I said then gets up from his spot "well let's go find our brothers!" Tanoshi says with his big smile on his face like nothing happened. I nod back to him getting up and turning on my phone to see we're we need to go now.

We start running to them following what Shai had sent me on our phone.

Uraraka pov
We followed Bakugo following recovery girl when I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turn around "what are we doing?" I was surprised when I saw Todorki "oh my gosh I forgot you came with us!" I shouted before I got shushed by the other two.

Todorki just had a confused look on his face so I whispered what we were doing and how we thought something bad was going on. He nodded looking over to recovery girl as she walked out side so we follow her but wait a bit before opening the door.

We hide behind a bush out side while listening in on what she is saying because she's back on her phone "no, no one is with me what is this about seeing Aizawa take Kurutta and Shai....a camera you say.....ok I will go to his house right away we're is it again......ok so it's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx....thank you bye" I could see that Iida was writing what she said down so I went back to watching recovery girl.

She turned around and went back inside with us still in a bush "so are we going to beat recovery girl there or what" I said looking at my classmates, they all nod there heads so we start running since it was pretty far away. We could see recovery girl stop at a red light so we hide not wanting to be seen.

Once she turned the corner we ran and also turned the corner but Bakugo fell to the floor ass he turned and I almost fell on top of him if it wasn't for Todorki catching me before I hit the ground. Once I opened my eyes back up I looked to see someone on top of him "K..Kacchan!?".

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