A friend

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Shai pov
I wake up and get showered in the community boys bathroom because mine broke so now I'm here. I get lost in thought humming then singing to my self.

After I get the soap off my body I walk out with a towel to get changed "that was good Shai? Right.." I look behind me to see Kirishima also with a towel coming my way probably to change.

I nod saying that he got it right and I am Shai not one of my brothers I do get embarrassed so I change quickly and go to the common room "hi Shai!" Tanoshi runs up and hugs me I hug my way to excited brother back "hi" we go sit down waiting to walk as a group.

I see Todorki so I get up and walk over "hi beautiful" I blush and when I blush I do it hard my hole face becomes red from him calling me beautiful again. It's cute but at the same time embarrassing "Shai are you ok" I look over Todorki's shoulder to see Iida and Uraraka "yes" my voice cracked when I said the yes 'will time to die I guess' I thought as I just wanted to roll up into a ball and roll away from embarrassment "well look at the time it's time to go to school...haha.." I speed walk away and out the door.

It wasn't time for school but I just wanted to get out of there so I just sat in my seat listening to music making sure not to sing along. I sat in the vary back so I just stayed there not realizing that I was falling asleep.

Izuku pov
I walk with Uraraka and Iida to school "last night was fun!" Uraraka laughs out "ya I was hoping not to be found..I wanted that A+" I whispered the last part but Iida still herd it "well Izuku we just need to work hard" we all laugh together seeing some other kids from our class so we meet up and walk to school together.

When we got there Jiro opened the door so I looked around for Shai because he came to school early "Izuku.." I look beside me to see Uraraka pointing to the back or the class so I look and see Shai has fallen asleep so I walk over there to try and wake him up "Shai..Shai wake up its time for class..SHAI!!" Everyone jumped at me yelling suddenly.

But he woke up "Izuku?" I giggle knowing that Shai has no idea what just happened "you fell asleep" I pat his head to wake him up more then go to my seat. The day was boring nothing happened and Shai didn't need to do the assigned assignment because he won the hide and go seek game last night.

We are walking back to the dorms then it popped in my head 'we don't have cat food for a Fluffy' so I told Uraraka and Iida to go on without me because I needed to buy something from the store. It wasn't for from UA campus so it would be a quick trip there and back.

I walk in and go to the pet row of the store "I wonder if Fluffy would like a cat poll to?" I say to my self looking around "need help" I look to who said that to see a girl with dark blue almost black hair she did look a bit taller than me but she could be my age "ah actually yes I don't know what to buy for my new cat" I say scratching the back of my neck " aren't you supposed to do that first" she jokingly asked starting to look around "I just found him out side so I took him in but now I don't know what to get him" I say back looking around also for things "well you need a scratching poll cat toys and food that's mostly all you need" I nod grabbing toys a poll and food for Fluffy "what's the cats name" the girl smiles handing me stuff that she found "it's Fluffy my brother named it".

I smiled again fallowing me to check out "don't you need to get back to work?" I question seeing her with bags "nope I'm just a costumer like you" I bow saying sorry for wasting her time like I did I thought she worked here "it's ok it's ok I like helping people that's who I am!" We walk out talking and going to a walk in cafe for a bit "so what's your name" "Izuku Midoriya but you can call me buy my first name because I have three other brothers and it can get confusing" I laugh a bit most people already get us confused from when we split up "ok then Izuku my name is Nise since I'm calling you by your first name you can just call me by that" I nod.

We give each other our phone numbers before we part ways "see you later Izuku!" "Ya later Nise" we both wave at each other before we walk off she going home and me going back to the dorms.

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