Were back baby!

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Bakugo pov
The Midoriya's have less then a week left then they will turn back to normal well I hope so Aizawa sensei says there's a chance that they would separate and be 15 again so I am actually hoping for that because if that happens then I will have Izuku all to my self "Katsuki" I look down to see Kurutta looking back at me "what brat" he just turns around and begins to play whit his toys "Kurutta did you need something" I'm waiting for him to turn around but he doesn't "your a lire" "what do you mean" I say a bit mad because I have never lied to him "you said you won't send me back but your sending me back" he looks at me with his eyes trying to fight back to tears "are you scared to go to sleep" I ask walking over all he does is nod his head so I pick him up and put him in my bed "don't worry I will be right here when you wake up" he nods again and gets comfy in my bed 'this kid is a hand full'.

A week later

I'm making breakfast for me and Kurutta when I here screaming "AHAHAHAHA" Aizawa sensei runs down the hall way to see who's in trouble class 1A follows "the only ones up stairs are the Midoriya's" Jiro says with fear in her voice we make it up the stairs to see 4 fifteen year old kids looking at each other with blankets cuvering them selfs up "Izuku, Shai, Kurutta, Tanoshi" Todoroki says looking at the quoduplets they all turn there heads to face us all "w..w..what the hell happened to us" I'm guessing that's Kurutta "it's a long story" Mina say rubing the back of her head "well can you sum it up" Kurutta snaps back "weeeeeeell"
After explaining
We're all in the living room and there just surprised "this is the best day ever!" one of them yell out with his arms in the air smiling like there's no tomorrow "I finally can have my own room" "oh shush Kurutta is that all you can think about we finally can have our own body's" then one that's sitting on the couch says smiling then I look to the side and see one walking away "we're the hell are you going" I snap at who's walking "ummmm n..not h..here" I think I found Shai "here name tags" I see round face give them a marker and a name tag to put on and they do then Aizawa comes back from telling the school "Shai, Kurutta and Tanoshi the school agreed to giving you guys your own rooms" "thanks sensei" Tanoshi says happily "school starts again in to days be there all of you" "yes ser!" We all say I guess we're kinda behind since we had to look after them as five year olds.

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