Somthing is off (part 2)

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Izuku pov
I get the location that Shai had sent when a wave of pain hit me causing me to fall over onto the floor "Izuku, Tanoshi!" I herd people yell so I look over to see that Tanoshi is on the couch in a ball holding his head and stomach I could feel the distress that Tanoshi feels because of his quirk.

It didn't feel different for me because I was also in pain to the point I started crying I could feel someone hands on me probably checking if I had a fever but this didn't feel like any sickness I have had before that's for sure. My vision was blurry and my hold body ached I tried to say something but just huffs came out of my mouth.

After a couple of minutes the pain stoped all together like it did last time and my vision cleared up. I tried to get up but Momo was not letting me saying that I shouldn't get up so fast after what ever me and Tanoshi just went through. I texted Tanoshi when Momo turned around that I know we're Kurutta and Shai are so we needed to sneak out.

I saw he turn my way with a nod so I thought of a plan to get away from out over protective friends 'the boys bathroom has a window...' I thought of a good plan and sent it to Tanoshi. Tanoshi's quirk has been getting more powerful to we're he can make people feel things that he doesn't so our plan goes into action.

When a Tanoshi activates his quirk I could feel a uneasiness in my stomach 'now to sell it!' I sit up fast holding my mouth to we're Momo turns to me worried about me getting up then she and the class feels Tanoshi's fake stomach pains. Tanoshi gets up and runs to the boys bathroom with me following behind me close and lock the door when we get in there.

Tanoshi turns off his quirk and plays puking sounds on his phone and leaves it near the door while I use my quirk and open the window to let use out I close it behind use as we start to run to where Shai said they were at.

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